watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services

dropbox file revision download

Download the file revision


watermint toolbox stores credentials into the file system. That is located at below path:

OS Path
Windows %HOMEPATH%\.toolbox\secrets (e.g. C:\Users\bob.toolbox\secrets)
macOS $HOME/.toolbox/secrets (e.g. /Users/bob/.toolbox/secrets)
Linux $HOME/.toolbox/secrets (e.g. /home/bob/.toolbox/secrets)

Please do not share those files to anyone including Dropbox support. You can delete those files after use if you want to remove it. If you want to make sure removal of credentials, revoke application access from setting or the admin console.

Please see below help article for more detail:

  • Dropbox (Individual account): https://help.dropbox.com/installs-integrations/third-party/third-party-apps

Auth scopes

Dropbox: View basic information about your Dropbox account such as your username, email, and country
Dropbox: View content of your Dropbox files and folders
Dropbox: View information about your Dropbox files and folders


For the first run, tbx will ask you an authentication with your Dropbox account. Please copy the link and paste it into your browser. Then proceed to authorization. After authorization, Dropbox will show you an authorization code. Please copy that code and paste it to the tbx.

watermint toolbox xx.x.xxx

© 2016-2025 Takayuki Okazaki
Licensed under open source licenses. Use the `license` command for more detail.

1. Visit the URL for the auth dialogue:


2. Click 'Allow' (you might have to login first):
3. Copy the authorisation code:
Enter the authorisation code


Please download the pre-compiled binary from Latest Release. If you are using Windows, please download the zip file like tbx-xx.x.xxx-win.zip. Then, extract the archive and place tbx.exe on the Desktop folder. The watermint toolbox can run from any path in the system if allowed by the system. But the instruction samples are using the Desktop folder. Please replace the path if you placed the binary other than the Desktop folder.


This document uses the Desktop folder for command example.



cd $HOME\Desktop
.\tbx.exe dropbox file revision download -local-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/DOWNLOAD -revision REVISION

macOS, Linux:

$HOME/Desktop/tbx dropbox file revision download -local-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/DOWNLOAD -revision REVISION

Note for macOS Catalina 10.15 or above: macOS verifies Developer identity. Currently, tbx is not ready for it. Please select “Cancel” on the first dialogue. Then please proceed “System Preference”, then open “Security & Privacy”, select “General” tab. You may find the message like:

“tbx” was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer.

And you may find the button “Allow Anyway”. Please hit the button with your risk. At second run, please hit button “Open” on the dialogue.


Option Description Default
-base-path Choose the file path standard. This is an option for Dropbox for Teams in particular. If you are using the personal version of Dropbox, it basically doesn’t matter what you choose. In Dropbox for Teams, if you select home in the updated team space, a personal folder with your username will be selected. This is convenient for referencing or uploading files in your personal folder, as you don’t need to include the folder name with your username in the path. On the other hand, if you specify root, you can access all folders with permissions. On the other hand, when accessing your personal folder, you need to specify a path that includes the name of your personal folder. root
-local-path Local path to store downloaded file  
-peer Account alias default
-revision File revision  

Common options:

Option Description Default
-auth-database Custom path to auth database (default: $HOME/.toolbox/secrets/secrets.db)  
-auto-open Auto open URL or artifact folder false
-bandwidth-kb Bandwidth limit in K bytes per sec for upload/download content. 0 for unlimited 0
-budget-memory Memory budget (limits some feature to reduce memory footprint) normal
-budget-storage Storage budget (limits logs or some feature to reduce storage usage) normal
-concurrency Maximum concurrency for running operation Number of processors
-debug Enable debug mode false
-experiment Enable experimental feature(s).  
-extra Extra parameter file path  
-lang Display language auto
-output Output format (none/text/markdown/json) text
-output-filter Output filter query (jq syntax). The output of the report is filtered using jq syntax. This option is only applied when the report is output as JSON.  
-proxy HTTP/HTTPS proxy (hostname:port). Please specify DIRECT if you want skip setting proxy.  
-quiet Suppress non-error messages, and make output readable by a machine (JSON format) false
-retain-job-data Job data retain policy default
-secure Do not store tokens into a file false
-skip-logging Skip logging in the local storage false
-verbose Show current operations for more detail. false
-workspace Workspace path  


Report file path will be displayed last line of the command line output. If you missed command line output, please see path below. [job-id] will be the date/time of the run. Please see the latest job-id.

OS Path pattern Example
Windows %HOMEPATH%\.toolbox\jobs\[job-id]\reports C:\Users\bob.toolbox\jobs\20190909-115959.597\reports
macOS $HOME/.toolbox/jobs/[job-id]/reports /Users/bob/.toolbox/jobs/20190909-115959.597/reports
Linux $HOME/.toolbox/jobs/[job-id]/reports /home/bob/.toolbox/jobs/20190909-115959.597/reports

Report: entry

This report shows a list of metadata of files or folders in the path. The command will generate a report in three different formats. entry.csv, entry.json, and entry.xlsx.

Column Description
id A unique identifier for the file.
name The last component of the path (including extension).
path_display The cased path to be used for display purposes only.
client_modified For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox.
server_modified The last time the file was modified on Dropbox.
revision A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.
size The file size in bytes.
content_hash A hash of the file content.
has_explicit_shared_members If true, the results will include a flag for each file indicating whether or not that file has any explicit members.

If you run with -budget-memory low option, the command will generate only JSON format report.

In case of a report become large, a report in .xlsx format will be split into several chunks like follows; entry_0000.xlsx, entry_0001.xlsx, entry_0002.xlsx, …

Proxy configuration

The executable automatically detects your proxy configuration from the environment. However, if you got an error or you want to specify explicitly, please add -proxy option, like -proxy hostname:port. Currently, the executable doesn’t support proxies which require authentication.
