watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services



Command Description
deepl translate text Translate text

Dropbox (Individual account)

Command Description
dropbox file account feature List Dropbox account features
dropbox file account filesystem Show Dropbox file system version
dropbox file account info Dropbox account info
dropbox file compare account Compare files of two accounts
dropbox file compare local Compare local folders and Dropbox folders
dropbox file copy Copy files
dropbox file delete Delete file or folder
dropbox file export doc Export document
dropbox file export url Export a document from the URL
dropbox file import batch url Batch import files from URL
dropbox file import url Import file from the URL
dropbox file info Resolve metadata of the path
dropbox file list List files and folders
dropbox file lock acquire Lock a file
dropbox file lock all release Release all locks under the specified path
dropbox file lock batch acquire Lock multiple files
dropbox file lock batch release Release multiple locks
dropbox file lock list List locks under the specified path
dropbox file lock release Release a lock
dropbox file merge Merge paths
dropbox file move Move files
dropbox file replication Replicate file content to the other account
dropbox file request create Create a file request
dropbox file request delete closed Delete all closed file requests on this account.
dropbox file request delete url Delete a file request by the file request URL
dropbox file request list List file requests of the individual account
dropbox file restore all Restore files under given path
dropbox file restore ext Restore files with a specific extension
dropbox file revision download Download the file revision
dropbox file revision list List file revisions
dropbox file revision restore Restore the file revision
dropbox file search content Search file content
dropbox file search name Search file name
dropbox file share info Retrieve sharing information of the file
dropbox file sharedfolder info Get shared folder info
dropbox file sharedfolder leave Leave from the shared folder
dropbox file sharedfolder list List shared folder(s)
dropbox file sharedfolder member add Add a member to the shared folder
dropbox file sharedfolder member delete Delete a member from the shared folder
dropbox file sharedfolder member list List shared folder member(s)
dropbox file sharedfolder mount add Add the shared folder to the current user’s Dropbox
dropbox file sharedfolder mount delete The current user unmounts the designated folder.
dropbox file sharedfolder mount list List all shared folders the current user mounted
dropbox file sharedfolder mount mountable List all shared folders the current user can mount
dropbox file sharedfolder share Share a folder
dropbox file sharedfolder unshare Unshare a folder
dropbox file sharedlink create Create shared link
dropbox file sharedlink delete Remove shared links
dropbox file sharedlink file list List files for the shared link
dropbox file sharedlink info Get information about the shared link
dropbox file sharedlink list List of shared link(s)
dropbox file size Storage usage
dropbox file sync down Downstream sync with Dropbox
dropbox file sync online Sync online files
dropbox file sync up Upstream sync with Dropbox
dropbox file tag add Add a tag to the file/folder
dropbox file tag delete Delete a tag from the file/folder
dropbox file tag list List tags of the path
dropbox file template apply Apply file/folder structure template to the Dropbox path
dropbox file template capture Capture file/folder structure as template from Dropbox path
dropbox file watch Watch file activities
dropbox paper append Append the content to the end of the existing Paper doc
dropbox paper create Create new Paper in the path
dropbox paper overwrite Overwrite existing Paper document
dropbox paper prepend Append the content to the beginning of the existing Paper doc
util monitor client Start device monitor client
util tidy pack remote Package remote folder into the zip file

Dropbox Sign

Command Description
dropbox sign request list List signature requests
dropbox sign request signature list List signatures of requests

Dropbox for teams

Command Description
dropbox team activity batch user Scan activities for multiple users
dropbox team activity daily event Report activities by day
dropbox team activity event Event log
dropbox team activity user Activities log per user
dropbox team admin group role add Add the role to members of the group
dropbox team admin group role delete Delete the role from all members except of members of the exception group
dropbox team admin list List admin roles of members
dropbox team admin role add Add a new role to the member
dropbox team admin role clear Remove all admin roles from the member
dropbox team admin role delete Remove a role from the member
dropbox team admin role list List admin roles of the team
dropbox team backup device status Dropbox Backup device status change in the specified period
dropbox team content legacypaper count Count number of Paper documents per member
dropbox team content legacypaper export Export entire team member Paper documents into local path
dropbox team content legacypaper list List team member Paper documents
dropbox team content member list List team folder & shared folder members
dropbox team content member size Count number of members of team folders and shared folders
dropbox team content mount list List all mounted/unmounted shared folders of team members.
dropbox team content policy list List policies of team folders and shared folders in the team
dropbox team device list List all devices/sessions in the team
dropbox team device unlink Unlink device sessions
dropbox team feature Team feature
dropbox team filerequest list List all file requests in the team
dropbox team filesystem Identify team’s file system version
dropbox team group add Create new group
dropbox team group batch add Bulk adding groups
dropbox team group batch delete Delete groups
dropbox team group clear externalid Clear an external ID of a group
dropbox team group delete Delete group
dropbox team group folder list List folders of each group
dropbox team group list List group(s)
dropbox team group member add Add a member to the group
dropbox team group member batch add Bulk add members into groups
dropbox team group member batch delete Delete members from groups
dropbox team group member batch update Add or delete members from groups
dropbox team group member delete Delete a member from the group
dropbox team group member list List members of groups
dropbox team group rename Rename the group
dropbox team group update type Update group management type
dropbox team info Team information
dropbox team insight scan Scans team data for analysis
dropbox team legalhold add Creates new legal hold policy.
dropbox team legalhold list Retrieve existing policies
dropbox team legalhold member batch update Update member list of legal hold policy
dropbox team legalhold member list List members of the legal hold
dropbox team legalhold release Releases a legal hold by Id
dropbox team legalhold revision list List revisions of the legal hold policy
dropbox team legalhold update desc Update description of the legal hold policy
dropbox team legalhold update name Update name of the legal hold policy
dropbox team linkedapp list List linked applications
dropbox team member batch delete Delete members
dropbox team member batch detach Convert Dropbox for teams accounts to a Basic account
dropbox team member batch invite Invite member(s)
dropbox team member batch reinvite Reinvite invited status members to the team
dropbox team member batch suspend Bulk suspend members
dropbox team member batch unsuspend Bulk unsuspend members
dropbox team member clear externalid Clear external_id of members
dropbox team member feature List member feature settings
dropbox team member file lock all release Release all locks under the path of the member
dropbox team member file lock list List locks of the member under the path
dropbox team member file lock release Release the lock of the path as the member
dropbox team member file permdelete Permanently delete the file or folder at a given path of the team member.
dropbox team member folder list List folders for each member
dropbox team member folder replication Replicate a folder to another member’s personal folder
dropbox team member list List team member(s)
dropbox team member quota batch update Update team member quota
dropbox team member quota list List team member quota
dropbox team member quota usage List team member storage usage
dropbox team member replication Replicate team member files
dropbox team member suspend Suspend a member
dropbox team member unsuspend Unsuspend a member
dropbox team member update batch email Member email operation
dropbox team member update batch externalid Update External ID of team members
dropbox team member update batch invisible Enable directory restriction to members
dropbox team member update batch profile Update member profile
dropbox team member update batch visible Disable directory restriction to members
dropbox team namespace file list List all files and folders of the team namespaces
dropbox team namespace file size List all files and folders of the team namespaces
dropbox team namespace list List all namespaces of the team
dropbox team namespace member list List members of shared folders and team folders in the team
dropbox team namespace summary Report team namespace status summary.
dropbox team runas file batch copy Batch copy files/folders as a member
dropbox team runas file list List files and folders run as a member
dropbox team runas file sync batch up Batch sync up that run as members
dropbox team runas sharedfolder batch leave Batch leave from shared folders as a member
dropbox team runas sharedfolder batch share Batch share folders for members
dropbox team runas sharedfolder batch unshare Batch unshare folders for members
dropbox team runas sharedfolder isolate Unshare owned shared folders and leave from external shared folders run as a member
dropbox team runas sharedfolder list List shared folders run as the member
dropbox team runas sharedfolder member batch add Batch add members to member’s shared folders
dropbox team runas sharedfolder member batch delete Batch delete members from member’s shared folders
dropbox team runas sharedfolder mount add Add the shared folder to the specified member’s Dropbox
dropbox team runas sharedfolder mount delete The specified user unmounts the designated folder.
dropbox team runas sharedfolder mount list List all shared folders the specified member mounted
dropbox team runas sharedfolder mount mountable List all shared folders the member can mount
dropbox team sharedlink cap expiry Set expiry cap to shared links in the team
dropbox team sharedlink cap visibility Set visibility cap to shared links in the team
dropbox team sharedlink delete links Batch delete shared links
dropbox team sharedlink delete member Delete all shared links of the member
dropbox team sharedlink list List of shared links
dropbox team sharedlink update expiry Update expiration date of public shared links within the team
dropbox team sharedlink update password Set or update shared link passwords
dropbox team sharedlink update visibility Update visibility of shared links
dropbox team teamfolder add Add team folder to the team
dropbox team teamfolder archive Archive team folder
dropbox team teamfolder batch archive Archiving team folders
dropbox team teamfolder batch permdelete Permanently delete team folders
dropbox team teamfolder batch replication Batch replication of team folders
dropbox team teamfolder file list List files in team folders
dropbox team teamfolder file lock all release Release all locks under the path of the team folder
dropbox team teamfolder file lock list List locks in the team folder
dropbox team teamfolder file lock release Release lock of the path in the team folder
dropbox team teamfolder file size Calculate size of team folders
dropbox team teamfolder list List team folder(s)
dropbox team teamfolder member add Batch adding users/groups to team folders
dropbox team teamfolder member delete Batch removing users/groups from team folders
dropbox team teamfolder member list List team folder members
dropbox team teamfolder partial replication Partial team folder replication to the other team
dropbox team teamfolder permdelete Permanently delete team folder
dropbox team teamfolder policy list List policies of team folders
dropbox team teamfolder replication Replicate a team folder to the other team
dropbox team teamfolder sync setting list List team folder sync settings
dropbox team teamfolder sync setting update Batch update team folder sync settings


Command Description
figma account info Retrieve current user information
figma file export all page Export all files/pages under the team
figma file export frame Export all frames of the Figma file
figma file export node Export Figma document Node
figma file export page Export all pages of the Figma file
figma file info Show information of the figma file
figma file list List files in the Figma Project
figma project list List projects of the team


Command Description
github content get Get content metadata of the repository
github content put Put small text content into the repository
github issue list List issues of the public/private GitHub repository
github profile Get the authenticated user
github release asset download Download assets
github release asset list List assets of GitHub Release
github release asset upload Upload assets file into the GitHub Release
github release draft Create release draft
github release list List releases
github tag create Create a tag on the repository
util release install Download & install watermint toolbox to the path


Command Description
config auth delete Delete existing auth credential
config auth list List all auth credentials
config feature disable Disable a feature.
config feature enable Enable a feature.
config feature list List available optional features.
config license install Install a license key
config license list List available license keys
dropbox team insight report teamfoldermember Report team folder members
license Show license information
local file template apply Apply file/folder structure template to the local path
local file template capture Capture file/folder structure as template from local path
log api job Show statistics of the API log of the job specified by the job ID
log api name Show statistics of the API log of the job specified by the job name
log cat curl Format capture logs as curl sample
log cat job Retrieve logs of specified Job ID
log cat kind Concatenate and print logs of specified log kind
log cat last Print the last job log files
log job archive Archive jobs
log job delete Delete old job history
log job list Show job history
util archive unzip Extract the zip archive file
util archive zip Compress target files into the zip archive
util cert selfsigned Generate self-signed certificate and key
util database exec Execute query on SQLite3 database file
util database query Query SQLite3 database
util date today Display current date
util datetime now Display current date/time
util decode base32 Decode text from Base32 (RFC 4648) format
util decode base64 Decode text from Base64 (RFC 4648) format
util desktop open Open a file or folder with the default application
util encode base32 Encode text into Base32 (RFC 4648) format
util encode base64 Encode text into Base64 (RFC 4648) format
util feed json Load feed from the URL and output the content as JSON
util file hash Print file digest
util git clone Clone git repository
util image exif Print EXIF metadata of image file
util image placeholder Create placeholder image
util json query Query JSON data
util net download Download a file
util qrcode create Create a QR code image file
util qrcode wifi Generate QR code for WIFI configuration
util table format xlsx Formatting xlsx file into text
util text case down Print lower case text
util text case up Print upper case text
util text encoding from Convert text encoding to UTF-8 text file from specified encoding.
util text encoding to Convert text encoding to specified encoding from UTF-8 text file.
util text nlp english entity Split English text into entities
util text nlp english sentence Split English text into sentences
util text nlp english token Split English text into tokens
util text nlp japanese token Tokenize Japanese text
util text nlp japanese wakati Wakati gaki (tokenize Japanese text)
util tidy move dispatch Dispatch files
util tidy move simple Archive local files
util time now Display current time
util unixtime format Time format to convert the unix time (epoch seconds from 1970-01-01)
util unixtime now Display current time in unixtime
util uuid timestamp Parse UUID timestamp
util uuid ulid Generate ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier)
util uuid v4 Generate UUID v4 (random UUID)
util uuid v7 Generate UUID v7
util uuid version Parse version and variant of UUID
util video subtitles optimize Optimize subtitles file
util xlsx create Create an empty spreadsheet
util xlsx sheet export Export data from the xlsx file
util xlsx sheet import Import data into xlsx file
util xlsx sheet list List sheets of the xlsx file
version Show version