watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services

Member management commands

Information commands

Below commands are to retrieve information about team members.

Command Description
dropbox team member list List team member(s)
dropbox team member feature List member feature settings
dropbox team member folder list List folders for each member
dropbox team member quota list List team member quota
dropbox team member quota usage List team member storage usage
dropbox team activity user Activities log per user

Basic management commands

Below commands are for managing team member accounts. Those commands are for a bulk operation by a CSV file.

Command Description
dropbox team member batch invite Invite member(s)
dropbox team member batch delete Delete members
dropbox team member batch detach Convert Dropbox for teams accounts to a Basic account
dropbox team member batch reinvite Reinvite invited status members to the team
dropbox team member update batch email Member email operation
dropbox team member update batch profile Update member profile
dropbox team member update batch visible Disable directory restriction to members
dropbox team member update batch invisible Enable directory restriction to members
dropbox team member quota batch update Update team member quota

Member profile setting commands

Member profile commands are for bulk updating member profile information. If you need to update the members’ email addresses, use the ‘member update email command. The command 'member update email receives a CSV file to bulk update email addresses. If you need to update the member’s display name, use the ‘member update profile` command.

Command Description
dropbox team member update batch email Member email operation
dropbox team member update batch profile Update member profile

Member storage quota control commands

You can see existing member storage quota setting or usage by the dropbox team member quota list and dropbox team member quota usage command. If you need to update member quota, use the dropbox team member quota update command. The command dropbox team member quota update receives CSV input for bulk updating storage quota setting.

Command Description
dropbox team member quota list List team member quota
dropbox team member quota usage List team member storage usage
dropbox team member quota batch update Update team member quota

There are two types of commands available for suspending/unsuspending members. If you wanted to suspend/unsuspend a member one by one, please use dropbox team member suspend or dropbox team member unsuspend. Otherwise, if you want to suspend/unsuspend members through a CSV file, please use the dropbox team member batch suspend or dropbox member batch unsuspend command.

Suspend/unsuspend a member

Command Description
dropbox team member suspend Suspend a member
dropbox team member unsuspend Unsuspend a member
dropbox team member batch suspend Bulk suspend members
dropbox team member batch unsuspend Bulk unsuspend members

Directory restriction commands

Directory restriction is the Dropbox for teams feature to hide a member from others. Below commands update this setting to hide or unhide members from others.

Command Description
dropbox team member update batch visible Disable directory restriction to members
dropbox team member update batch invisible Enable directory restriction to members

Group commands

Group management commands

Below commands are for managing groups.

Command Description
dropbox team group add Create new group
dropbox team group batch add Bulk adding groups
dropbox team group batch delete Delete groups
dropbox team group delete Delete group
dropbox team group list List group(s)
dropbox team group rename Rename the group
dropbox team group update type Update group management type

Group member management commands

You can add/delete/update group members by the below commands. If you want to add/delete/update group members by CSV file, use dropbox team group member batch add, dropbox team group member batch delete, or dropbox team group member batch delete.

Command Description
dropbox team group member add Add a member to the group
dropbox team group member delete Delete a member from the group
dropbox team group member list List members of groups
dropbox team group member batch add Bulk add members into groups
dropbox team group member batch delete Delete members from groups
dropbox team group member batch update Add or delete members from groups

Find and delete unused groups

There are two commands to find unused groups. The first command is dropbox team group list. The command dropbox team group list will report the number of members of each group. If it’s zero, a group is not currently used to adding permission to folders. If you want to see which folder uses each group, use the command dropbox team group folder list. dropbox team group folder list will report the group to folder mapping. The report group_with_no_folders will show groups with no folders. You can safely remove groups once if you check both the number of members and folders. After confirmation, you can bulk delete groups by using the command dropbox team group batch delete.

Command Description
dropbox team group list List group(s)
dropbox team group folder list List folders of each group
dropbox team group batch delete Delete groups

Team content commands

Admins’ can handle team folders, shared folders or member’s folder content thru Dropbox Business API. Please be careful to use those commands. The namespace is the term in Dropbox API that is for manage folder permissions or settings. Folder types such as shared folders, team folders, or nested folder in a team folder, member’s root folder or member’s app folder are all managed as a namespace. The namespace commands can handle all types of folders, including team folders and member’s folder. But commands for specific folder types have more features or detailed information in the report.

Team folder operation commands

You can create, archive or permanently delete team folders by using the below commands. Please consider using dropbox team teamfolder batch commands if you need to handle multiple team folders.

Command Description
dropbox team teamfolder add Add team folder to the team
dropbox team teamfolder archive Archive team folder
dropbox team teamfolder batch archive Archiving team folders
dropbox team teamfolder batch permdelete Permanently delete team folders
dropbox team teamfolder batch replication Batch replication of team folders
dropbox team teamfolder file size Calculate size of team folders
dropbox team teamfolder list List team folder(s)
dropbox team teamfolder permdelete Permanently delete team folder
dropbox team teamfolder policy list List policies of team folders
dropbox team teamfolder sync setting list List team folder sync settings
dropbox team teamfolder sync setting update Batch update team folder sync settings

Team folder permission commands

You can bulk add or delete members into team folders or sub-folders of a team folder through the below commands.

Command Description
dropbox team teamfolder member list List team folder members
dropbox team teamfolder member add Batch adding users/groups to team folders
dropbox team teamfolder member delete Batch removing users/groups from team folders

Team folder & shared folder commands

The below commands are for both team folders and shared folders of the team. If you wanted to know who are actually uses specific folders, please consider using the command dropbox team content mount list. Mount is a status a user add a shared folder to his/her Dropbox account.

Command Description
dropbox team content member list List team folder & shared folder members
dropbox team content member size Count number of members of team folders and shared folders
dropbox team content mount list List all mounted/unmounted shared folders of team members.
dropbox team content policy list List policies of team folders and shared folders in the team

Namespace commands

Command Description
dropbox team namespace list List all namespaces of the team
dropbox team namespace summary Report team namespace status summary.
dropbox team namespace file list List all files and folders of the team namespaces
dropbox team namespace file size List all files and folders of the team namespaces
dropbox team namespace member list List members of shared folders and team folders in the team

Team file request commands

Command Description
dropbox team filerequest list List all file requests in the team

Member file commands

Command Description
dropbox team member file permdelete Permanently delete the file or folder at a given path of the team member.

Team insight

Team Insight is a feature of Dropbox Business that provides a view of team folder summary.

Command Description
dropbox team insight scan Scans team data for analysis
dropbox team insight scanretry Retry scan for errors on the last scan
dropbox team insight summarize Summarize team data for analysis
dropbox team insight report teamfoldermember Report team folder members

Team shared link commands

The team shared link commands are capable of listing all shared links in the team or update/delete specified shared links.

Command Description
dropbox team sharedlink list List of shared links
dropbox team sharedlink cap expiry Set expiry cap to shared links in the team
dropbox team sharedlink cap visibility Set visibility cap to shared links in the team
dropbox team sharedlink update expiry Update expiration date of public shared links within the team
dropbox team sharedlink update password Set or update shared link passwords
dropbox team sharedlink update visibility Update visibility of shared links
dropbox team sharedlink delete links Batch delete shared links
dropbox team sharedlink delete member Delete all shared links of the member

Commands dropbox team sharedlink update is for setting a value to the shared links. Commands dropbox team sharedlink cap is for putting a cap value to the shared links. For example: if you set expiry by dropbox team sharedlink update expiry with the expiration date 2021-05-06. The command will update the expiry to 2021-05-06 even if the existing link has a shorter expiration date like 2021-05-04. On the other hand, dropbox team sharedlink cap expiry updates links when the link has a longer expiration date, like 2021-05-07.

Similarly, the command dropbox team sharedlink cap visibility will restrict visibility only when the link has less protected visibility. For example, if you want to ensure shared links without password to the team only. dropbox team sharedlink cap visibility will update visibility to the team only when a link is public and has no password.

List all public links in the team

tbx team sharedlink list -visibility public

Results are stored in CSV, xlsx, and JSON format. You can modify the report for updating shared links. If you are familiar with the command jq, then they can create CSV file directly like below.

tbx team sharedlink list -output json | jq '.sharedlink.url' > all_links.csv

List links filtered by link owner email address:

tbx team sharedlink list -output json | jq 'select(.member.profile.email == "username@example.com") | .sharedlink.url'

Delete all link that listed in the CSV file

tbx team sharedlink delete links -file /PATH/TO/DATA.csv

If you are familiar with jq command, then they can send data directly from the pipe like below (pass single dash - to the -file option to read from standard input).

tbx team sharedlink list -visibility public -output json | tbx team sharedlink delete links -file -

File lock

File lock commands are capable of listing current file locks or releasing file locks as admin.

File lock commands for members

Command Description
dropbox team member file lock all release Release all locks under the path of the member
dropbox team member file lock list List locks of the member under the path
dropbox team member file lock release Release the lock of the path as the member

File lock commands for team folders

Command Description
dropbox team teamfolder file list List files in team folders
dropbox team teamfolder file lock all release Release all locks under the path of the team folder
dropbox team teamfolder file lock list List locks in the team folder
dropbox team teamfolder file lock release Release lock of the path in the team folder

Activities log commands

The team activities log commands can export activities log by a certain filter or perspective.

Command Description
dropbox team activity batch user Scan activities for multiple users
dropbox team activity daily event Report activities by day
dropbox team activity event Event log
dropbox team activity user Activities log per user

Connected applications and devices commands

The below commands can retrieve information about connected devices or applications in the team.

Command Description
dropbox team device list List all devices/sessions in the team
dropbox team device unlink Unlink device sessions
dropbox team linkedapp list List linked applications
dropbox team backup device status Dropbox Backup device status change in the specified period

Other usecases

External ID

External ID is the attribute that is not shown in any user interface of Dropbox. This attribute is for keep a relationship between Dropbox and identity source (e.g. Active Directory, HR database) by identity management software such as Dropbox AD Connector. In case if you are using Dropbox AD Connector and you built a new Active Directory tree. You may need to clear existing external IDs to disconnect relationships with the old Active Directory tree and the new tree. If you skip clear external IDs, Dropbox AD Connector may unintentionally delete accounts during configuring to the new tree. If you want to see existing external IDs, use the dropbox team member list command. But the command will not include external ID by default. Please add the option -experiment report_all_columns like below.

tbx member list -experiment report_all_columns
Command Description
dropbox team member list List team member(s)
dropbox team member clear externalid Clear external_id of members
dropbox team member update batch externalid Update External ID of team members
dropbox team group list List group(s)
dropbox team group clear externalid Clear an external ID of a group

Data migration helper commands

Data migration helper commands copies member folders or team folders to another account or team. Please test before using those commands before actual data migration.

Command Description
dropbox team member folder replication Replicate a folder to another member’s personal folder
dropbox team member replication Replicate team member files
dropbox team teamfolder partial replication Partial team folder replication to the other team
dropbox team teamfolder replication Replicate a team folder to the other team

Team info commands

Command Description
dropbox team feature Team feature
dropbox team filesystem Identify team’s file system version
dropbox team info Team information

Paper commands

Legacy paper commands

Commands for a team’s legacy Paper content. Please see official guide more detail about legacy Paper and migration

Command Description
dropbox team content legacypaper count Count number of Paper documents per member
dropbox team content legacypaper list List team member Paper documents
dropbox team content legacypaper export Export entire team member Paper documents into local path

Team admin commands

Below commands are for managing team admins.

Command Description
dropbox team admin list List admin roles of members
dropbox team admin role add Add a new role to the member
dropbox team admin role clear Remove all admin roles from the member
dropbox team admin role delete Remove a role from the member
dropbox team admin role list List admin roles of the team
dropbox team admin group role add Add the role to members of the group
dropbox team admin group role delete Delete the role from all members except of members of the exception group

Commands that run as a team member

You can run a command as a team member. For example, you can upload a file into member’s folder by using dropbox team runas file sync batch up.

Command Description
dropbox team runas file list List files and folders run as a member
dropbox team runas file batch copy Batch copy files/folders as a member
dropbox team runas file sync batch up Batch sync up that run as members
dropbox team runas sharedfolder list List shared folders run as the member
dropbox team runas sharedfolder isolate Unshare owned shared folders and leave from external shared folders run as a member
dropbox team runas sharedfolder mount add Add the shared folder to the specified member’s Dropbox
dropbox team runas sharedfolder mount delete The specified user unmounts the designated folder.
dropbox team runas sharedfolder mount list List all shared folders the specified member mounted
dropbox team runas sharedfolder mount mountable List all shared folders the member can mount
dropbox team runas sharedfolder batch leave Batch leave from shared folders as a member
dropbox team runas sharedfolder batch share Batch share folders for members
dropbox team runas sharedfolder batch unshare Batch unshare folders for members
dropbox team runas sharedfolder member batch add Batch add members to member’s shared folders
dropbox team runas sharedfolder member batch delete Batch delete members from member’s shared folders

Legal hold

With legal holds, admins can place a legal hold on members of their team and view and export all the content that’s been created or modified by those members.

Command Description
dropbox team legalhold add Creates new legal hold policy.
dropbox team legalhold list Retrieve existing policies
dropbox team legalhold member batch update Update member list of legal hold policy
dropbox team legalhold member list List members of the legal hold
dropbox team legalhold release Releases a legal hold by Id
dropbox team legalhold revision list List revisions of the legal hold policy
dropbox team legalhold update desc Update description of the legal hold policy
dropbox team legalhold update name Update name of the legal hold policy


Commands of Dropbox for teams require admin permissions to execute them. Auth tokens must not share with anyone, including Dropbox support.
