Release 124
to Release 125
Command | Title |
dev release asseturl | Update asset URL of the release |
dev benchmark upload
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "BlockBlockSize", Desc: "Block size for batch upload", Default: "24", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int", ...},
Name: "Method",
Desc: "Upload method",
Default: "block",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("block"), string("sequential")}},
&{Name: "NumFiles", Desc: "Number of files.", Default: "1000", TypeName: "int", ...},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to Dropbox", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
... // 6 identical elements
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
dev build package
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "BuildPath", Desc: "Full path to the binary", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
&{Name: "DeployPath", Desc: "Deploy destination folder path (remote)", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
&{Name: "DistPath", Desc: "Package destination folder path (local)", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
+ &{
+ Name: "ExecutableName",
+ Desc: "Executable file name base",
+ Default: "tbx",
+ TypeName: "string",
+ },
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
dev release asset
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Repository owner", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Content path", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Repo", Desc: "Repository name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Text", Desc: "Text content", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
dev release doc
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
- Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{},
+ Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ &{
+ Name: "Peer",
+ Desc: "Account alias",
+ Default: "default",
+ TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_public",
+ TypeAttr: string("github_public"),
+ },
+ },
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
dev release publish
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "ArtifactPath", Desc: "Path to artifacts", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
&{Name: "Branch", Desc: "Target branch", Default: "main", TypeName: "string", ...},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "SkipTests", Desc: "Skip end to end tests.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
dev test setup teamsharedlink
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 3 identical elements
&{Name: "Query", Desc: "Query", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Seed", Desc: "Shared link seed value", Default: "0", TypeName: "int", ...},
Name: "Visibility",
Desc: "Visibility",
Default: "random",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("random"), string("public"), string("team_only"), string("with_expire"), ...}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
file paper append
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Content", Desc: "Paper content", TypeName: "Content"},
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Import format (html/markdown/plain_text)",
Default: "markdown",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("markdown"), string("plain_text"), string("html")}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path in the user's Dropbox", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
file paper create
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Content", Desc: "Paper content", TypeName: "Content"},
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Import format (html/markdown/plain_text)",
Default: "markdown",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("markdown"), string("plain_text"), string("html")}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path in the user's Dropbox", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
file paper overwrite
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Content", Desc: "Paper content", TypeName: "Content"},
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Import format (html/markdown/plain_text)",
Default: "markdown",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("markdown"), string("plain_text"), string("html")}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path in the user's Dropbox", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
file paper prepend
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Content", Desc: "Paper content", TypeName: "Content"},
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Import format (html/markdown/plain_text)",
Default: "markdown",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("markdown"), string("plain_text"), string("html")}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path in the user's Dropbox", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
file search content
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Category",
Desc: "Restricts search to only the file categories specified (image/do"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("image"), string("document"), string("pdf"), ...}},
&{Name: "Extension", Desc: "Restricts search to only the extensions specified.", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
&{Name: "MaxResults", Desc: "Maximum number of entry to return", Default: "25", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int", ...},
... // 3 identical elements
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
file search name
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Category",
Desc: "Restricts search to only the file categories specified (image/do"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("image"), string("document"), string("pdf"), ...}},
&{Name: "Extension", Desc: "Restricts search to only the extensions specified.", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Scopes the search to a path in the user's Dropbox.", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
... // 2 identical elements
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
group add
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "ManagementType",
Desc: "Group management type `company_managed` or `user_managed`",
Default: "company_managed",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("company_managed"), string("user_managed")}},
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Group name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
group batch add
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
Name: "ManagementType",
Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...,
Default: "company_managed",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("company_managed"), string("user_managed")}},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
group folder list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 6 identical elements
&{Name: "IncludeExternalGroups", Desc: "Include external groups in the report.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "ScanTimeout",
Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"...,
Default: "short",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
group update type
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Group name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "Type",
Desc: "Group type (user_managed/company_managed)",
Default: "company_managed",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("user_managed"), string("company_managed")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
job log jobid
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Id", Desc: "Job ID", TypeName: "string"},
Name: "Kind",
Desc: "Kind of log",
Default: "toolbox",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("toolbox"), string("capture"), string("summary"), string("recipe"), ...}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to the workspace", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
job log kind
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Kind",
Desc: "Log kind.",
Default: "toolbox",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("toolbox"), string("capture"), string("summary"), string("recipe"), ...}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to workspace.", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
job log last
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Kind",
Desc: "Log kind",
Default: "toolbox",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("toolbox"), string("capture"), string("summary"), string("recipe"), ...}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to workspace.", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
member folder list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 3 identical elements
&{Name: "MemberEmail", Desc: "Filter by member email address. Filter by email address."},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "ScanTimeout",
Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"...,
Default: "short",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services deepl translate text
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.deepl.api.deepl_conn_impl.conn_deepl_api_impl",
- TypeAttr: string(""),
+ TypeAttr: string("deepl"),
&{Name: "SourceLang", Desc: "Source language code (auto detect when omitted)", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
&{Name: "TargetLang", Desc: "Target language code", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Text", Desc: "Text to translate", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services dropboxsign account info
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "AccountId", Desc: "Account ID", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.dropboxsign.api.hs_conn_impl.conn_hello_sign_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("dropbox_sign"),
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services figma account info
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.figma.api.fg_conn_impl.conn_figma_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("file_read")},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services figma file export all page
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Export format (png/jpg/svg/pdf)",
Default: "pdf",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("jpg"), string("png"), string("svg"), string("pdf")}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Output folder path", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.figma.api.fg_conn_impl.conn_figma_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("file_read")},
&{Name: "Scale", Desc: "Export scale in percent range from 1 to 400 (default 100)", Default: "100", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int", ...},
&{Name: "TeamId", Desc: "Team ID. To obtain a team id, navigate to a team page of a team "..., TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services figma file export frame
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Export format (png/jpg/svg/pdf)",
Default: "pdf",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("jpg"), string("png"), string("svg"), string("pdf")}},
&{Name: "Key", Desc: "File key", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Output folder path", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.figma.api.fg_conn_impl.conn_figma_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("file_read")},
&{Name: "Scale", Desc: "Export scale in percent range from 1 to 400 (default 100)", Default: "100", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services figma file export node
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Export format (png/jpg/svg/pdf)",
Default: "pdf",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("jpg"), string("png"), string("svg"), string("pdf")}},
&{Name: "Id", Desc: "Node ID", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Key", Desc: "File Key", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Output folder path", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.figma.api.fg_conn_impl.conn_figma_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("file_read")},
&{Name: "Scale", Desc: "Export scale in percent range from 1 to 400 (default 100)", Default: "100", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services figma file export page
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Export format (png/jpg/svg/pdf)",
Default: "pdf",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("jpg"), string("png"), string("svg"), string("pdf")}},
&{Name: "Key", Desc: "File key", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Output folder path", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.figma.api.fg_conn_impl.conn_figma_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("file_read")},
&{Name: "Scale", Desc: "Export scale in percent range from 1 to 400 (default 100)", Default: "100", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services figma file info
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "AllNodes", Desc: "Include all node information", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "Key", Desc: "File key", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.figma.api.fg_conn_impl.conn_figma_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("file_read")},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services figma file list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.figma.api.fg_conn_impl.conn_figma_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("file_read")},
&{Name: "ProjectId", Desc: "Project ID", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services figma project list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.figma.api.fg_conn_impl.conn_figma_api",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("file_read")},
&{Name: "TeamId", Desc: "Team ID. To obtain a team id, navigate to a team page of a team "..., TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github content get
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to the content", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Ref", Desc: "Name of reference", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github content put
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 3 identical elements
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to the content", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github issue list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Filter",
Desc: "Indicates which sorts of issues to return.",
Default: "assigned",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("assigned"), string("created"), string("mentioned"), string("subscribed"), ...}},
&{Name: "Labels", Desc: "A list of comma separated label names.", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Repository name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Since", Desc: "Only show notifications updated after the given time.", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
Name: "State",
Desc: "Indicates the state of the issues to return.",
Default: "open",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("open"), string("closed"), string("all")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github profile
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github release asset download
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to download", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Release", Desc: "Release tag name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github release asset list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Release", Desc: "Release tag name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github release asset upload
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Asset", Desc: "Path to assets", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Release", Desc: "Release tag name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github release draft
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Name of the release", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Tag", Desc: "Name of the tag", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github release list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Repository owner", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Repository name", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services github tag create
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: string("github_repo"),
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Sha1", Desc: "SHA1 hash of the commit", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Tag", Desc: "Tag name", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services google mail label add
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "ColorBackground",
Desc: "The background color.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("#000000"), string("#434343"), string("#666666"), ...}},
Name: "ColorText",
Desc: "The text color.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("#000000"), string("#434343"), string("#666666"), ...}},
Name: "LabelListVisibility",
Desc: "The visibility of the label in the label list in the Gmail web i"...,
Default: "labelShow",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("labelHide"), string("labelShow"), string("labelShowIfUnread")}},
Name: "MessageListVisibility",
Desc: "The visibility of messages with this label in the message list i"...,
Default: "show",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("hide"), string("show")}},
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Name of the label", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "", ...},
&{Name: "UserId", Desc: "The user's email address. The special value me can be used to in"..., Default: "me", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services google mail message list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "The format to return the message in. ",
Default: "metadata",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("full"), string("metadata"), string("minimal"), string("raw")}},
&{Name: "IncludeSpamTrash", Desc: "Include messages from SPAM and TRASH in the results.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "Labels", Desc: "Only return messages with labels that match all of the specified"..., TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
... // 4 identical elements
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services google mail message processed list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "The format to return the message in. ",
Default: "metadata",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("full"), string("metadata"), string("minimal"), string("raw")}},
&{Name: "IncludeSpamTrash", Desc: "Include messages from SPAM and TRASH in the results.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "Labels", Desc: "Only return messages with labels that match all of the specified"..., TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
... // 4 identical elements
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services google sheets sheet export
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Data", Desc: "Path to export.", TypeName: "Data"},
&{Name: "DataFormat", Desc: "Output format"},
Name: "DateTimeRender",
Desc: "How dates, times, and durations should be represented in the out"...,
Default: "serial",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("serial"), string("formatted")}},
&{Name: "Id", Desc: "Spreadsheet ID", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "", ...},
&{Name: "Range", Desc: "The range the values cover, in A1 notation. This is a string lik"..., TypeName: "string"},
Name: "ValueRender",
Desc: "How values should be represented in the output.",
Default: "formatted",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("formatted"), string("formatted"), string("formula")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {&{Name: "Data", Desc: "Exported sheet data"}},
... // 2 identical fields
services slack conversation history
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "After", Desc: "Retrieve messages after this.", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
&{Name: "Channel", Desc: "Channel ID (like C1234567890).", TypeName: "string"},
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
- Default: "Peer",
+ Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.slack.api.work_conn_impl.conn_slack_api",
TypeAttr: []any{string("channels:history")},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
services slack conversation list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
- Default: "Peer",
+ Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.slack.api.work_conn_impl.conn_slack_api",
TypeAttr: []any{string("channels:read")},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
sharedfolder member add
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "AccessLevel",
Desc: "Access type (viewer/editor)",
Default: "editor",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("editor"), string("viewer"), string("viewer_no_comment")}},
&{Name: "Email", Desc: "Email address of the folder member", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Message", Desc: "Custom message for invitation", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
... // 3 identical elements
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
sharedfolder share
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "AclUpdatePolicy",
Desc: "Who can change a shared folder's access control list (ACL).",
Default: "owner",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("owner"), string("editor")}},
Name: "MemberPolicy",
Desc: "Who can be a member of this shared folder.",
Default: "anyone",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("team"), string("anyone")}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to be shared", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual", ...},
Name: "SharedLinkPolicy",
Desc: "Who can view shared links in this folder.",
Default: "anyone",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("anyone"), string("members")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team content legacypaper export
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "FilterBy",
Desc: "Specify how the Paper docs should be filtered (doc_created/doc_a"...,
Default: "docs_created",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("docs_created"), string("docs_accessed")}},
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Export file format (html/markdown)",
Default: "html",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("html"), string("markdown")}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Export folder path", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team content legacypaper list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "FilterBy",
Desc: "Specify how the Paper docs should be filtered (doc_created/doc_a"...,
Default: "docs_created",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("docs_created"), string("docs_accessed")}},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team content member list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 4 identical elements
&{Name: "MemberTypeInternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are internal (in the sa"...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "ScanTimeout",
Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"...,
Default: "short",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team content member size
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 3 identical elements
&{Name: "IncludeSubFolders", Desc: "Include sub-folders to the report.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "ScanTimeout",
Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"...,
Default: "short",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team content policy list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "FolderNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by name match to the suffix."},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "ScanTimeout",
Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"...,
Default: "short",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team runas sharedfolder batch share
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "AclUpdatePolicy",
Desc: "Who can add and remove members of this shared folder.",
Default: "owner",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("owner"), string("editor")}},
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
Name: "MemberPolicy",
Desc: "Who can be a member of this shared folder.",
Default: "anyone",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("team"), string("anyone")}},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "SharedLinkPolicy",
Desc: "The policy to apply to shared links created for content inside t"...,
Default: "anyone",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("anyone"), string("members")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team sharedlink cap visibility
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
Name: "NewVisibility",
Desc: "New visibility setting",
Default: "team_only",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("team_only")}},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team sharedlink list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "Visibility",
Desc: "Filter links by visibility (all/public/team_only/password)",
Default: "all",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("all"), string("public"), string("team_only"), string("password"), ...}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
team sharedlink update visibility
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
Name: "NewVisibility",
Desc: "New visibility setting",
Default: "team_only",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("public"), string("team_only")}},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
teamfolder add
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Team folder name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "SyncSetting",
Desc: "Sync setting for the team folder",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("default"), string("not_synced")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
teamfolder member list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 4 identical elements
&{Name: "MemberTypeInternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are internal (in the sa"...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "ScanTimeout",
Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"...,
Default: "short",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
teamfolder policy list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "FolderNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by name match to the suffix."},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "ScanTimeout",
Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"...,
Default: "short",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
teamspace asadmin member list
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 4 identical elements
&{Name: "MemberTypeInternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are internal (in the sa"...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team", ...},
Name: "ScanTimeout",
Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"...,
Default: "short",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util file hash
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Algorithm",
Desc: "Hash algorithm (md5/sha1/sha256)",
Default: "sha1",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("md5"), string("sha1"), string("sha256")}},
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to the file to create digest", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util image placeholder
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 4 identical elements
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to export generated image", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
&{Name: "Text", Desc: "Text if you need", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
Name: "TextAlign",
Desc: "Text alignment",
Default: "left",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("left"), string("center"), string("right")}},
&{Name: "TextColor", Desc: "Text color", Default: "black", TypeName: "string", ...},
&{Name: "TextPosition", Desc: "Text position", Default: "center", TypeName: "string", ...},
&{Name: "Width", Desc: "Width (pixel)", Default: "640", TypeName: "int", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util qrcode create
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "ErrorCorrectionLevel",
Desc: "Error correction level (l/m/q/h).",
Default: "m",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("l"), string("m"), string("q"), string("h")}},
Name: "Mode",
Desc: "QR code encoding mode",
Default: "auto",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("auto"), string("numeric"), string("alpha_numeric"), string("unicode")}},
&{Name: "Out", Desc: "Output path with file name", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
&{Name: "Size", Desc: "Image resolution (pixel)", Default: "256", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int", ...},
&{Name: "Text", Desc: "Text data", TypeName: "Text"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util qrcode wifi
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "ErrorCorrectionLevel",
Desc: "Error correction level (l/m/q/h).",
Default: "m",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("l"), string("m"), string("q"), string("h")}},
Name: "Hidden",
Desc: "`true` if a SSID is hidden. `false` if a SSID is visible.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("true"), string("false")}},
Name: "Mode",
Desc: "QR code encoding mode",
Default: "auto",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("auto"), string("numeric"), string("alpha_numeric"), string("unicode")}},
Name: "NetworkType",
Desc: "Network type.",
Default: "WPA",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("WPA"), string("WEP"), string("")}},
&{Name: "Out", Desc: "Output path with file name", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
&{Name: "Size", Desc: "Image resolution (pixel)", Default: "256", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int", ...},
&{Name: "Ssid", Desc: "Network SSID", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util release install
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "AcceptLicenseAgreement", Desc: "Accept to the target release's license agreement", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to install", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
+ &{
+ Name: "Peer",
+ Desc: "Account alias",
+ Default: "default",
+ TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_public",
+ TypeAttr: string("github_public"),
+ },
&{Name: "Release", Desc: "Release tag name", Default: "latest", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util text nlp japanese token
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Dictionary",
Desc: "Dictionary name of the token",
Default: "ipa",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("ipa"), string("uni")}},
&{Name: "IgnoreLineBreak", Desc: "Ignore line break", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "In", Desc: "Input file path", TypeName: "In"},
Name: "Mode",
Desc: "Tokenize mode (normal/search/extended)",
Default: "normal",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("normal"), string("search"), string("extend")}},
&{Name: "OmitBosEos", Desc: "Omit BOS/EOS tokens", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util text nlp japanese wakati
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Dictionary",
Desc: "Dictionary name (ipa/uni)",
Default: "ipa",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("ipa"), string("uni")}},
&{Name: "IgnoreLineBreak", Desc: "Ignore line break", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "In", Desc: "Input file path", TypeName: "In"},
&{Name: "Separator", Desc: "Text separator", Default: " ", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util unixtime format
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "Time format",
Default: "iso8601",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("iso8601"), string("rfc1123"), string("rfc1123z"), string("rfc3339"), ...}},
Name: "Precision",
Desc: "Time precision (second/ms/ns)",
Default: "second",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("second"), string("ms"), string("ns")}},
&{Name: "Time", Desc: "Unix Time", Default: "0", TypeName: "int", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
util unixtime now
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Precision",
Desc: "Time precision (second/ms/ns)",
Default: "second",
TypeName: strings.Join({
+ "_internal",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("second"), string("ms"), string("ns")}},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields