watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services

Changes between Release 63 to Release 64

Commands added

Command Title
config disable Disable a feature.
config enable Enable a feature.
config features List available optional features.
dev ci artifact connect Connect to Dropbox for uploading artifact from CI
dev ci auth connect Authenticate for generating end to end testing
dev ci auth export Export auth tokens of end to end test
dev ci auth import Import auth tokens of end to end test from environment variable
file dispatch local Dispatch local files
services github issue list List issues of the public/private GitHub repository
services github profile Get the authenticated user
services github release asset list List assets of GitHub Release
services github release asset up Upload assets file into the GitHub Release
services github release draft Create release draft
services github release list List releases
services github tag create Create a tag on the repository
version Show version

Commands deleted

Command Title
dev ci auth Authenticate for generating end to end testing

Command spec changed: connect business_audit

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_audit",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect business_file

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect business_info

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_info",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect business_mgmt

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect user_file

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev async

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_info",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "RunConcurrently",
+ 			Desc:     "run concurrently",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: rows

  	Name: "rows",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of groups and their members.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "group_name", Desc: "Name of a group."},
  		&{Name: "group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
  		&{Name: "access_type", Desc: "The role that the user has in the group (member/owner)"},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier"},
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		... // 2 identical elements

Command spec changed: dev ci artifact up

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "dev ci artifact up",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/UPLOAD -local-path /LOCAL/PATH/OF/ARTIFACT",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Dropbox path to upload",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "LocalPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Local path to upload",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "PeerName", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "deploy", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: skipped

  	Name: "skipped",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
  		&{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
  		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Changed report: summary

  	Name:    "summary",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a summary of the upload results.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "upload_start", Desc: "Time of start uploading"}, &{Name: "upload_end", Desc: "Time of finish uploading"}, &{Name: "num_bytes", Desc: "Total upload size (Bytes)"}, &{Name: "num_files_error", Desc: "The number of files failed or got an error."}, ...},

Changed report: uploaded

  	Name: "uploaded",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
  		&{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
  		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: dev desktop install

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "InstallerUrl",
+ 			Desc:     "Installer download URL",
+ 			Default:  "https://www.dropbox.com/download?full=1&os=win",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Silent", Desc: "Use Silent installer", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "SilentNoLaunch",
+ 			Desc:     "Use Enterprise installer",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev desktop start

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
- 	Values:         nil,
+ 	Values:         []*dc_recipe.Value{},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev desktop stop

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "WaitSeconds",
+ 			Desc:     "Try stopping the app after given seconds.",
+ 			Default:  "60",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(60)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev desktop suspendupdate

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Unsuspend",
+ 			Desc:     "True when unsuspend Updater",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "UpdaterName",
+ 			Desc:     "Executable name of Dropbox Updater",
+ 			Default:  "DropboxUpdate.exe",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "UpdaterPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to Dropbox Updater",
+ 			Default:  "C:/Program Files (x86)/Dropbox/Update",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev diag procmon

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "dev diag procmon",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/UPLOAD -repository-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/PROCESS",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Dropbox path to upload procmon logs",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "ProcmonUrl",
+ 			Desc:     "Process monitor download url",
+ 			Default:  "https://download.sysinternals.com/files/ProcessMonitor.zip",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "RepositoryPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Procmon Work directory",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "RetainLogs",
+ 			Desc:     "Number of Procmon logs to retain",
+ 			Default:  "4",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(10000), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(4)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "RunUntil",
+ 			Desc:     "Skip run after this date/time",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Seconds",
+ 			Desc:     "Duration for waiting procmon",
+ 			Default:  "1800",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(86400), "min": float64(10), "value": float64(1800)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev doc

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Badge",
+ 			Desc:     "Include badges of build status",
+ 			Default:  "true",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "CommandPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Relative path to generate command manuals",
+ 			Default:  "doc/generated/",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Filename", Desc: "Filename", Default: "README.md", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Lang",
+ 			Desc:     "Language",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "MarkdownReadme",
+ 			Desc:     "Generate README as markdown format",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev dummy

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "Dest", Desc: "Dummy file destination", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "MaxEntry",
+ 			Desc:     "Maximum entries",
+ 			Default:  "0",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(0)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to dummy entry file", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev echo

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
- 	Values:         nil,
+ 	Values:         []*dc_recipe.Value{&{Name: "Text", Desc: "Text to echo", TypeName: "string"}},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev preflight

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
- 	Values:         nil,
+ 	Values:         []*dc_recipe.Value{},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev release candidate

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "TestResource",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to the test resource location",
+ 			Default:  "test/dev/resource.json",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev release publish

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "dev release publish",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-artifact-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/ARTIFACT",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "ArtifactPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to artifacts",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Branch", Desc: "Target branch", Default: "master", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "ConnGithub",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "SkipTests",
+ 			Desc:     "Skip end to end tests.",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "TestResource",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to test resource",
+ 			Default:  "test/dev/resource.json",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev spec diff

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "FilePath",
+ 			Desc:     "File path to output",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Lang",
+ 			Desc:     "Language",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Release1",
+ 			Desc:     "Release name 1",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Release2",
+ 			Desc:     "Release name 2",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev spec doc

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "FilePath",
+ 			Desc:     "File path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Lang",
+ 			Desc:     "Language",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev test monkey

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "dev test monkey",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/PROCESS",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Distribution",
+ 			Desc:     "Number of files/folder distribution",
+ 			Default:  "10000",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(10000)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Extension",
+ 			Desc:     "File extensions (comma separated)",
+ 			Default:  "jpg,pdf,xlsx,docx,pptx,zip,png,txt,bak,csv,mov,mp4,html,gif,lzh,"...,
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Monkey test path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Seconds",
+ 			Desc:     "Monkey test duration in seconds",
+ 			Default:  "10",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(86400), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(10)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev test recipe

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "All", Desc: "Test all recipes", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Recipe",
+ 			Desc:     "Recipe name to test",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Resource",
+ 			Desc:     "Test resource file path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Verbose",
+ 			Desc:     "Verbose output for testing",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev test resources

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
- 	Values:         nil,
+ 	Values:         []*dc_recipe.Value{},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev util curl

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "BufferSize",
+ 			Desc:     "Size of buffer",
+ 			Default:  "65536",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(2.097152e+06), "min": float64(1024), "value": float64(65536)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Record", Desc: "Capture record(s) for the test", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev util wait

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Seconds",
+ 			Desc:     "Wait seconds",
+ 			Default:  "1",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(604800), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(1)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: file compare account

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Left",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias (left)",
+ 			Default:  "left",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "LeftPath",
+ 			Desc:     "The path from account root (left)",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Right",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias (right)",
+ 			Default:  "right",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "RightPath",
+ 			Desc:     "The path from account root (right)",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: diff

  	Name:    "diff",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a difference between to folders.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "diff_type", Desc: "Type of difference. `file_content_diff`: different content hash,"...}, &{Name: "left_path", Desc: "path of left"}, &{Name: "left_kind", Desc: "folder or file"}, &{Name: "left_size", Desc: "size of left file"}, ...},

Command spec changed: file compare local

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Dropbox path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "LocalPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Local path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: diff

  	Name:    "diff",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a difference between to folders.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "diff_type", Desc: "Type of difference. `file_content_diff`: different content hash,"...}, &{Name: "left_path", Desc: "path of left"}, &{Name: "left_kind", Desc: "folder or file"}, &{Name: "left_size", Desc: "size of left file"}, ...},

Changed report: skip

  	Name:    "skip",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a difference between to folders.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "diff_type", Desc: "Type of difference. `file_content_diff`: different content hash,"...}, &{Name: "left_path", Desc: "path of left"}, &{Name: "left_kind", Desc: "folder or file"}, &{Name: "left_size", Desc: "size of left file"}, ...},

Command spec changed: file copy

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Dst",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Src",
+ 			Desc:     "Source path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: file delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to delete",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: file download

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "(Experimental)",
  	Path:            "file download",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH/OF/FILE -local-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/DOWNLOAD",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "File path to download",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "LocalPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Local path to download",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of metadata of files or folders in the path.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: file export doc

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "(Experimental)",
  	Path:            "file export doc",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/FILE -local-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/EXPORT",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Dropbox document path to export.",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "LocalPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Local path to save",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a result of exporting file.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
- 		&{Name: "id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "size", Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the sha"...},
- 		&{Name: "content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
  		&{Name: "export_name", Desc: "File name for export file."},
  		&{Name: "export_size", Desc: "File size of export file."},
- 		&{Name: "export_hash", Desc: "Content hash of export file."},

Command spec changed: file import batch url

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to import",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.url", Desc: "Url to download"},
  		&{Name: "input.path", Desc: "Path to store file (use path given by `-path` when the record is"...},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: file import url

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to import",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Url", Desc: "URL", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of metadata of files or folders in the path.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
  		&{Name: "revision", Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file."},
  		&{Name: "size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: file list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeDeleted",
+ 			Desc:     "Include deleted files",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeMediaInfo",
+ 			Desc:     "Include media information",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Recursive", Desc: "List recursively", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: file_list

  	Name: "file_list",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of metadata of files or folders in the path.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: file merge

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "DryRun", Desc: "Dry run", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "From",
+ 			Desc:     "Path for merge",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "KeepEmptyFolder",
+ 			Desc:     "Keep empty folder after merge",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "To",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to merge",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "WithinSameNamespace",
+ 			Desc:     "Do not cross namespace. That is for preserve sharing permission "...,
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: file move

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Dst",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Src",
+ 			Desc:     "Source path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: file replication

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Dst",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias (destionation)",
+ 			Default:  "dst",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DstPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Src",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias (source)",
+ 			Default:  "src",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "SrcPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Source path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: replication_diff

  	Name:    "replication_diff",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a difference between to folders.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "diff_type", Desc: "Type of difference. `file_content_diff`: different content hash,"...}, &{Name: "left_path", Desc: "path of left"}, &{Name: "left_kind", Desc: "folder or file"}, &{Name: "left_size", Desc: "size of left file"}, ...},

Command spec changed: file restore

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "(Experimental)",
  	Path:            "file restore",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/RESTORE",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
  		&{Name: "input.path", Desc: "Path"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: file search content

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Category",
+ 			Desc:     "Restricts search to only the file categories specified (image/do"...,
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"options": []interface{}{...}},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Extension",
+ 			Desc:     "Restricts search to only the extensions specified.",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Scopes the search to a path in the user's Dropbox.",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Query", Desc: "The string to search for.", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: matches

  	Name:    "matches",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a result of search with highlighted text.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry"}, &{Name: "path_display", Desc: "Display path"}, &{Name: "highlight_html", Desc: "Highlighted text in HTML"}},

Command spec changed: file search name

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Category",
+ 			Desc:     "Restricts search to only the file categories specified (image/do"...,
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"options": []interface{}{...}},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Extension",
+ 			Desc:     "Restricts search to only the extensions specified.",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Scopes the search to a path in the user's Dropbox.",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Query", Desc: "The string to search for.", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: matches

  	Name:    "matches",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a result of search with highlighted text.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry"}, &{Name: "path_display", Desc: "Display path"}, &{Name: "highlight_html", Desc: "Highlighted text in HTML"}},

Command spec changed: file sync preflight up

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "file sync preflight up",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/UPLOAD -local-path /LOCAL/PATH/OF/CONTENT",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination Dropbox path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "LocalPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Local file path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: skipped

  	Name: "skipped",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
  		&{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
  		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Changed report: summary

  	Name:    "summary",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a summary of the upload results.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "upload_start", Desc: "Time of start uploading"}, &{Name: "upload_end", Desc: "Time of finish uploading"}, &{Name: "num_bytes", Desc: "Total upload size (Bytes)"}, &{Name: "num_files_error", Desc: "The number of files failed or got an error."}, ...},

Changed report: uploaded

  	Name: "uploaded",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
  		&{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
  		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: file sync up

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "file sync up",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/UPLOAD -local-path /LOCAL/PATH/OF/CONTENT",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "ChunkSizeKb",
+ 			Desc:     "Upload chunk size in KB",
+ 			Default:  "153600",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(153600), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(153600)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination Dropbox path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "LocalPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Local file path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: skipped

  	Name: "skipped",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
  		&{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
  		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Changed report: summary

  	Name:    "summary",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a summary of the upload results.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "upload_start", Desc: "Time of start uploading"}, &{Name: "upload_end", Desc: "Time of finish uploading"}, &{Name: "num_bytes", Desc: "Total upload size (Bytes)"}, &{Name: "num_files_error", Desc: "The number of files failed or got an error."}, ...},

Changed report: uploaded

  	Name: "uploaded",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
  		&{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
  		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: file upload

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "ChunkSizeKb",
+ 			Desc:     "Upload chunk size in KB",
+ 			Default:  "153600",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(153600), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(153600)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination Dropbox path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "LocalPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Local file path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Overwrite",
+ 			Desc:     "Overwrite existing file(s)",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: skipped

  	Name: "skipped",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
  		&{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
  		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Changed report: summary

  	Name:    "summary",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a summary of the upload results.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "upload_start", Desc: "Time of start uploading"}, &{Name: "upload_end", Desc: "Time of finish uploading"}, &{Name: "num_bytes", Desc: "Total upload size (Bytes)"}, &{Name: "num_files_error", Desc: "The number of files failed or got an error."}, ...},

Changed report: uploaded

  	Name: "uploaded",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
  		&{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "result.client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "result.server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
  		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: file watch

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "file watch",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/WATCH",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to watch",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Recursive",
+ 			Desc:     "Watch path recursively",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: filerequest create

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "filerequest create",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-path /DROPBOX/PATH/OF/FILEREQUEST",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "AllowLateUploads",
+ 			Desc:     "If set, allow uploads after the deadline has passed (one_day/two"...,
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Deadline",
+ 			Desc:     "The deadline for this file request.",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "The path for the folder in the Dropbox where uploaded files will"...,
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Title", Desc: "The title of the file request", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: file_request

  	Name:    "file_request",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of file requests.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "id", Desc: "The Id of the file request"}, &{Name: "url", Desc: "The URL of the file request"}, &{Name: "title", Desc: "The title of the file request"}, &{Name: "created", Desc: "Date/time of the file request was created."}, ...},

Command spec changed: filerequest delete closed

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: deleted

  	Name:    "deleted",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of file requests.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "id", Desc: "The Id of the file request"}, &{Name: "url", Desc: "The URL of the file request"}, &{Name: "title", Desc: "The title of the file request"}, &{Name: "created", Desc: "Date/time of the file request was created."}, ...},

Command spec changed: filerequest delete url

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Force",
+ 			Desc:     "Force delete the file request.",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Url", Desc: "URL of the file request.", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: deleted

  	Name:    "deleted",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of file requests.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "id", Desc: "The Id of the file request"}, &{Name: "url", Desc: "The URL of the file request"}, &{Name: "title", Desc: "The title of the file request"}, &{Name: "created", Desc: "Date/time of the file request was created."}, ...},

Command spec changed: filerequest list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: file_requests

  	Name:    "file_requests",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of file requests.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "id", Desc: "The Id of the file request"}, &{Name: "url", Desc: "The URL of the file request"}, &{Name: "title", Desc: "The title of the file request"}, &{Name: "created", Desc: "Date/time of the file request was created."}, ...},

Command spec changed: group add

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "ManagementType",
+ 			Desc:     "Group management type `company_managed` or `user_managed`",
+ 			Default:  "company_managed",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"options": []interface{}{...}},
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Group name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: added_group

  	Name: "added_group",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of groups in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "group_name", Desc: "Name of a group"},
- 		&{Name: "group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "group_external_id",
- 			Desc: " External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to a group.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "member_count", Desc: "The number of members in the group."},

Command spec changed: group batch delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "File",
+ 			Desc:     "Data file for group name list",
+ 			TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.name", Desc: "Group name"},
  		&{Name: "result.group_name", Desc: "Name of a group"},
- 		&{Name: "result.group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "result.group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.group_external_id",
- 			Desc: " External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to a group.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.member_count", Desc: "The number of members in the group."},

Command spec changed: group delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Group name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: group list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_info",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: group

  	Name: "group",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of groups in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "group_name", Desc: "Name of a group"},
- 		&{Name: "group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "group_external_id",
- 			Desc: " External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to a group.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "member_count", Desc: "The number of members in the group."},

Command spec changed: group member add

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "GroupName", Desc: "Group name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{Name: "MemberEmail", Desc: "Email address of the member", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.member_email", Desc: "Email address of the member"},
  		&{Name: "result.group_name", Desc: "Name of a group"},
- 		&{Name: "result.group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "result.group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.group_external_id",
- 			Desc: " External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to a group.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.member_count", Desc: "The number of members in the group."},

Command spec changed: group member delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "GroupName", Desc: "Name of the group", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{Name: "MemberEmail", Desc: "Email address of the member", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.member_email", Desc: "Email address of the member"},
  		&{Name: "result.group_name", Desc: "Name of a group"},
- 		&{Name: "result.group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "result.group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.group_external_id",
- 			Desc: " External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to a group.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.member_count", Desc: "The number of members in the group."},

Command spec changed: group member list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_info",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: group_member

  	Name: "group_member",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of groups and their members.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "group_name", Desc: "Name of a group."},
  		&{Name: "group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
  		&{Name: "access_type", Desc: "The role that the user has in the group (member/owner)"},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier"},
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		... // 2 identical elements

Command spec changed: group rename

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "CurrentName", Desc: "Current group name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{Name: "NewName", Desc: "New group name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.new_name", Desc: "New group name"},
  		&{Name: "result.group_name", Desc: "Name of a group"},
- 		&{Name: "result.group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "result.group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.group_external_id",
- 			Desc: " External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to a group.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.member_count", Desc: "The number of members in the group."},

Command spec changed: job history archive

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Days",
+ 			Desc:     "Target days old",
+ 			Default:  "7",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(3650), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(7)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: job history delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Days",
+ 			Desc:     "Target days old",
+ 			Default:  "28",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(3650), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(28)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: job history list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
- 	Values:         nil,
+ 	Values:         []*dc_recipe.Value{},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: log

  	Name:    "log",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of job histories.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "job_id", Desc: "Job ID"}, &{Name: "app_version", Desc: "App version"}, &{Name: "recipe_name", Desc: "Command"}, &{Name: "time_start", Desc: "Time Started"}, ...},

Command spec changed: job history ship

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "job history ship",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/UPLOAD",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DropboxPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Dropbox path to upload",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 11 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.revision", Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file."},
  		&{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: job loop

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "job loop",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         `-runbook-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/RUNBOOK.runbook -until "2020-04-01 17:58:38"`,
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IntervalSeconds",
+ 			Desc:     "Interval seconds",
+ 			Default:  "180",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(3.1536e+07), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(180)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "QuitOnError", Desc: "Quit on error", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "RunbookPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to runbook",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Until",
+ 			Desc:     "Run until this date/time",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: job run

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "job run",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-runbook-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/RUNBOOK.runbook",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Fork",
+ 			Desc:     "Fork process on running the workflow",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "RunbookPath",
+ 			Desc:     "Path to the runbook",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "TimeoutSeconds",
+ 			Desc:     "Terminate process when given time passed",
+ 			Default:  "0",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(3.1536e+07), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(0)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: license

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
- 	Values:         nil,
+ 	Values:         []*dc_recipe.Value{},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: member delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "WipeData",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, controls if the user's data will be deleted on their li"...,
+ 			Default:  "true",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name:    "operation_log",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"}, &{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"}, &{Name: "input.email", Desc: "Email address of the account"}},

Command spec changed: member detach

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "RevokeTeamShares",
+ 			Desc:     "True for revoke shared folder access which owned by the team",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name:    "operation_log",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"}, &{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"}, &{Name: "input.email", Desc: "Email address of the account"}},

Command spec changed: member invite

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "SilentInvite",
+ 			Desc:     "Do not send welcome email (requires SSO + domain verification in"...,
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.given_name", Desc: "Given name of the account"},
  		&{Name: "input.surname", Desc: "Surname of the account"},
- 		&{Name: "result.team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "result.email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "result.email_verified", Desc: "Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user."},
  		&{Name: "result.status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "result.given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "result.surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "result.familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.abbreviated_name",
- 			Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.member_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "The namespace id of the user's root folder.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.external_id",
- 			Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "result.account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.persistent_id",
- 			Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent ID is unique ID to be used for SAML authentication.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_info",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: member

  	Name: "member",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of members.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "email_verified", Desc: "Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{Name: "abbreviated_name", Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name."},
- 		&{Name: "member_folder_id", Desc: "The namespace id of the user's root folder."},
- 		&{Name: "external_id", Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user."},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "persistent_id",
- 			Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent ID is unique ID to be used for SAML authentication.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
  		&{Name: "role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},

Command spec changed: member quota list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: member_quota

  	Name:    "member_quota",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of custom quota settings for each team members.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."}, &{Name: "quota", Desc: "Custom quota in GB (1 TB = 1024 GB). 0 if the user has no custom"...}},

Command spec changed: member quota update

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Quota",
+ 			Desc:     "Custom quota in GB (1TB = 1024GB). 0 if the user has no custom q"...,
+ 			Default:  "0",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(0)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name:    "operation_log",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"}, &{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"}, &{Name: "input.email", Desc: "Email address of user."}, &{Name: "input.quota", Desc: "Custom quota in GB (1 TB = 1024 GB). 0 if the user has no custom"...}, ...},

Command spec changed: member quota usage

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: usage

  	Name:    "usage",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows current storage usage of users.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of the account"}, &{Name: "used_gb", Desc: "The user's total space usage (in GB, 1GB = 1024 MB)."}, &{Name: "used_bytes", Desc: "The user's total space usage (bytes)."}, &{Name: "allocation", Desc: "The user's space allocation (individual, or team)"}, ...},

Command spec changed: member reinvite

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Silent",
+ 			Desc:     "Do not send welcome email (SSO required)",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
- 		&{Name: "input.team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "input.email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "input.email_verified", Desc: "Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user."},
  		&{Name: "input.status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "input.given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "input.surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "input.familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "input.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.abbreviated_name",
- 			Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.member_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "The namespace id of the user's root folder.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.external_id",
- 			Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "input.account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.persistent_id",
- 			Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent ID is unique ID to be used for SAML authentication.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "input.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
  		&{Name: "input.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "input.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
- 		&{Name: "result.team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "result.email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "result.email_verified", Desc: "Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user."},
  		&{Name: "result.status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "result.given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "result.surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "result.familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.abbreviated_name",
- 			Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.member_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "The namespace id of the user's root folder.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.external_id",
- 			Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "result.account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.persistent_id",
- 			Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent ID is unique ID to be used for SAML authentication.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member replication

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Dst",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination team; team file access",
+ 			Default:  "dst",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Src",
+ 			Desc:     "Source team; team file access",
+ 			Default:  "src",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name:    "operation_log",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"}, &{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"}, &{Name: "input.src_email", Desc: "Source account's email address"}, &{Name: "input.dst_email", Desc: "Destination account's email address"}},

Command spec changed: member update email

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "UpdateUnverified",
+ 			Desc:     "Update an account which didn't verified email. If an account ema"...,
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.from_email", Desc: "Current Email address"},
  		&{Name: "input.to_email", Desc: "New Email address"},
- 		&{Name: "result.team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "result.email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "result.email_verified", Desc: "Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user."},
  		&{Name: "result.status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "result.given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "result.surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "result.familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.abbreviated_name",
- 			Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.member_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "The namespace id of the user's root folder.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.external_id",
- 			Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "result.account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.persistent_id",
- 			Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent ID is unique ID to be used for SAML authentication.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member update externalid

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.email", Desc: "Email address of team members"},
  		&{Name: "input.external_id", Desc: "External ID of team members"},
- 		&{Name: "result.team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "result.email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "result.email_verified", Desc: "Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user."},
  		&{Name: "result.status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "result.given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "result.surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "result.familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.abbreviated_name",
- 			Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.member_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "The namespace id of the user's root folder.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.external_id",
- 			Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "result.account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.persistent_id",
- 			Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent ID is unique ID to be used for SAML authentication.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member update profile

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.given_name", Desc: "Given name of the account"},
  		&{Name: "input.surname", Desc: "Surname of the account"},
- 		&{Name: "result.team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "result.email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "result.email_verified", Desc: "Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user."},
  		&{Name: "result.status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "result.given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "result.surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "result.familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.abbreviated_name",
- 			Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.member_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "The namespace id of the user's root folder.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.external_id",
- 			Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "result.account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.persistent_id",
- 			Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent ID is unique ID to be used for SAML authentication.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: sharedfolder list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: shared_folder

  	Name: "shared_folder",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of shared folders.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "shared_folder_id", Desc: "The ID of the shared folder."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "The ID of the parent shared folder. This field is present only if the folder is contained within another shared folder.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The name of the this shared folder."},
  		&{Name: "access_type", Desc: "The current user's access level for this shared file/folder (own"...},
  		... // 5 identical elements
  		&{Name: "policy_member", Desc: "Who can be a member of this shared folder, as set on the folder "...},
  		&{Name: "policy_viewer_info", Desc: "Who can enable/disable viewer info for this shared folder."},
- 		&{Name: "owner_team_id", Desc: "Team ID of the team that owns the folder"},
  		&{Name: "owner_team_name", Desc: "Team name of the team that owns the folder"},

Command spec changed: sharedfolder member list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: member

  	Name: "member",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of members of shared folders.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "shared_folder_id", Desc: "The ID of the shared folder."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "The ID of the parent shared folder. This field is present only if the folder is contained within another shared folder.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The name of the this shared folder."},
  		&{Name: "path_lower", Desc: "The lower-cased full path of this shared folder."},
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "access_type", Desc: "The current user's access level for this shared file/folder (own"...},
  		&{Name: "is_inherited", Desc: "True if the member has access from a parent folder"},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
  		&{Name: "group_name", Desc: "Name of a group"},
- 		&{Name: "group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "invitee_email", Desc: "Email address of invitee for this folder"},

Command spec changed: sharedlink create

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Expires",
+ 			Desc:     "Expiration date/time of the shared link",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Password",
+ 			Desc:     "Password",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "Path",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "TeamOnly",
+ 			Desc:     "Link is accessible only by team members",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: created

  	Name:    "created",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "THis report shows a list of shared links.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the linked file or folder"}, &{Name: "tag", Desc: "Entry type (file, or folder)"}, &{Name: "url", Desc: "URL of the shared link."}, &{Name: "name", Desc: "The linked file name (including extension)."}, ...},

Command spec changed: sharedlink delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Path",
+ 			Desc:     "File or folder path to remove shared link",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Recursive",
+ 			Desc:     "Attempt to remove the file hierarchy",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields
  	Name: "shared_link",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
- 		&{Name: "input.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the linked file or folder"},
  		&{Name: "input.tag", Desc: "Entry type (file, or folder)"},
  		&{Name: "input.url", Desc: "URL of the shared link."},
  		... // 4 identical elements

Command spec changed: sharedlink file list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 3 identical fields
  	Remarks:         "",
  	Path:            "sharedlink file list",
- 	CliArgs:         "",
+ 	CliArgs:         "-url SHAREDLINK_URL",
  	CliNote:         "",
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Password",
+ 			Desc:     "Password for the shared link",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Url",
+ 			Desc:     "Shared link URL",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_url.url_impl",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: file_list

  	Name: "file_list",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of metadata of files or folders in the path.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of shared folder that holds this file.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: sharedlink list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields
  	Name: "shared_link",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "THis report shows a list of shared links.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the linked file or folder"},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Entry type (file, or folder)"},
  		&{Name: "url", Desc: "URL of the shared link."},
  		... // 4 identical elements

Command spec changed: team activity batch user

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Category",
+ 			Desc:     "Filter the returned events to a single category. This field is o"...,
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "EndTime",
+ 			Desc:     "Ending time (exclusive).",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "File",
+ 			Desc:     "User email address list file",
+ 			TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_audit",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "StartTime",
+ 			Desc:     "Starting time (inclusive)",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: combined

  	Name:    "combined",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows an activity logs with mostly compatible with Dropbox Business's activity logs.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "timestamp", Desc: "The Dropbox timestamp representing when the action was taken."}, &{Name: "member", Desc: "User display name"}, &{Name: "member_email", Desc: "User email address"}, &{Name: "event_type", Desc: "The particular type of action taken."}, ...},

Changed report: user

  	Name:    "user",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows an activity logs with mostly compatible with Dropbox Business's activity logs.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "timestamp", Desc: "The Dropbox timestamp representing when the action was taken."}, &{Name: "member", Desc: "User display name"}, &{Name: "member_email", Desc: "User email address"}, &{Name: "event_type", Desc: "The particular type of action taken."}, ...},

Command spec changed: team activity daily event

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Category",
+ 			Desc:     "Event category",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "EndDate",
+ 			Desc:     "End date",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_audit",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "StartDate", Desc: "Start date", TypeName: "string"},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: event

  	Name:    "event",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows an activity logs with mostly compatible with Dropbox Business's activity logs.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "timestamp", Desc: "The Dropbox timestamp representing when the action was taken."}, &{Name: "member", Desc: "User display name"}, &{Name: "member_email", Desc: "User email address"}, &{Name: "event_type", Desc: "The particular type of action taken."}, ...},

Command spec changed: team activity event

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Category",
+ 			Desc:     "Filter the returned events to a single category. This field is o"...,
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "EndTime",
+ 			Desc:     "Ending time (exclusive).",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_audit",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "StartTime",
+ 			Desc:     "Starting time (inclusive)",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: event

  	Name:    "event",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows an activity logs with mostly compatible with Dropbox Business's activity logs.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "timestamp", Desc: "The Dropbox timestamp representing when the action was taken."}, &{Name: "member", Desc: "User display name"}, &{Name: "member_email", Desc: "User email address"}, &{Name: "event_type", Desc: "The particular type of action taken."}, ...},

Command spec changed: team activity user

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Category",
+ 			Desc:     "Filter the returned events to a single category. This field is o"...,
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "EndTime",
+ 			Desc:     "Ending time (exclusive).",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_audit",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "StartTime",
+ 			Desc:     "Starting time (inclusive)",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: user

  	Name:    "user",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows an activity logs with mostly compatible with Dropbox Business's activity logs.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "timestamp", Desc: "The Dropbox timestamp representing when the action was taken."}, &{Name: "member", Desc: "User display name"}, &{Name: "member_email", Desc: "User email address"}, &{Name: "event_type", Desc: "The particular type of action taken."}, ...},

Changed report: user_summary

  	Name: "user_summary",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
  		&{Name: "input.user", Desc: "User email address"},
- 		&{Name: "result.user", Desc: "User email address"},
  		&{Name: "result.logins", Desc: "Number of login activities"},
  		&{Name: "result.devices", Desc: "Number of device activities"},
  		... // 4 identical elements

Command spec changed: team content member

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: membership

  	Name:    "membership",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of shared folders and team folders with their members. If a folder has multiple members, then members are listed with rows.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "path", Desc: "Path"}, &{Name: "folder_type", Desc: "Type of the folder. (`team_folder`: a team folder or in a team f"...}, &{Name: "owner_team_name", Desc: "Team name of the team that owns the folder"}, &{Name: "access_type", Desc: "User's access level for this folder"}, ...},

Changed report: no_member

  	Name:    "no_member",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows folders without members.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "owner_team_name", Desc: "Team name of the team that owns the folder"}, &{Name: "path", Desc: "Path"}, &{Name: "folder_type", Desc: "Type of the folder. (`team_folder`: a team folder or in a team f"...}},

Command spec changed: team content policy

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: policy

  	Name:    "policy",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of shared folders and team folders with their current policy settings.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "path", Desc: "Path"}, &{Name: "is_team_folder", Desc: "`true` if the folder is a team folder, or inside of a team folder"}, &{Name: "owner_team_name", Desc: "Team name of the team that owns the folder"}, &{Name: "policy_manage_access", Desc: "Who can add and remove members from this shared folder."}, ...},

Command spec changed: team device list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: device

  	Name: "device",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of current existing sessions in the team with team member information.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{Name: "abbreviated_name", Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name."},
- 		&{Name: "external_id", Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user."},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
  		&{Name: "device_tag", Desc: "Type of the session (web_session, desktop_client, or mobile_client)"},
  		&{Name: "id", Desc: "The session id."},
  		... // 16 identical elements

Command spec changed: team device unlink

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DeleteOnUnlink",
+ 			Desc:     "Delete files on unlink",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 5 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "input.surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "input.familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "input.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.abbreviated_name",
- 			Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.external_id",
- 			Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "input.account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
  		&{Name: "input.device_tag", Desc: "Type of the session (web_session, desktop_client, or mobile_client)"},
  		&{Name: "input.id", Desc: "The session id."},
  		... // 16 identical elements

Command spec changed: team diag explorer

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "All",
+ 			Desc:     "Include additional reports",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "File",
+ 			Desc:     "Dropbox Business file access",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Info",
+ 			Desc:     "Dropbox Business information access",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_info",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Mgmt",
+ 			Desc:     "Dropbox Business management",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: device

  	Name: "device",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of current existing sessions in the team with team member information.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{Name: "abbreviated_name", Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name."},
- 		&{Name: "external_id", Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user."},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
  		&{Name: "device_tag", Desc: "Type of the session (web_session, desktop_client, or mobile_client)"},
  		&{Name: "id", Desc: "The session id."},
  		... // 16 identical elements

Changed report: feature

  	Name:    "feature",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of team features and their settings.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "upload_api_rate_limit", Desc: "The number of upload API calls allowed per month."}, &{Name: "upload_api_rate_limit_count", Desc: "The number of upload API called this month."}, &{Name: "has_team_shared_dropbox", Desc: "Does this team have a shared team root."}, &{Name: "has_team_file_events", Desc: "Does this team have file events."}, ...},

Changed report: file_request

  	Name: "file_request",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of file requests with the file request owner team member.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "Account ID of this file request owner."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "team_member_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of file request owner user as a member of a team",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of this file request owner."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user status of this file request owner (active/invited/suspe"...},
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Surname of this file request owner."},
  		&{Name: "given_name", Desc: "Given name of this file request owner."},
- 		&{Name: "file_request_id", Desc: "The ID of the file request."},
  		&{Name: "url", Desc: "The URL of the file request."},
  		&{Name: "title", Desc: "The title of the file request."},
  		... // 6 identical elements

Changed report: group

  	Name: "group",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of groups in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "group_name", Desc: "Name of a group"},
- 		&{Name: "group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "group_external_id",
- 			Desc: " External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to a group.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "member_count", Desc: "The number of members in the group."},

Changed report: group_member

  	Name: "group_member",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of groups and their members.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "group_id", Desc: "A group's identifier"},
  		&{Name: "group_name", Desc: "Name of a group."},
  		&{Name: "group_management_type", Desc: "Who is allowed to manage the group (user_managed, company_manage"...},
  		&{Name: "access_type", Desc: "The role that the user has in the group (member/owner)"},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier"},
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		... // 2 identical elements

Changed report: info

  	Name:    "info",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of team information.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "name", Desc: "The name of the team"}, &{Name: "team_id", Desc: "The ID of the team."}, &{Name: "num_licensed_users", Desc: "The number of licenses available to the team."}, &{Name: "num_provisioned_users", Desc: "The number of accounts that have been invited or are already act"...}, ...},

Changed report: linked_app

  	Name: "linked_app",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of linked app with the user of the app.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{Name: "abbreviated_name", Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name."},
- 		&{Name: "external_id", Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user."},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{Name: "app_id", Desc: "The application unique id."},
  		&{Name: "app_name", Desc: "The application name."},
  		&{Name: "is_app_folder", Desc: "Whether the linked application uses a dedicated folder."},
  		... // 3 identical elements

Changed report: member

  	Name: "member",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of members.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "email_verified", Desc: "Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{Name: "abbreviated_name", Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name."},
- 		&{Name: "member_folder_id", Desc: "The namespace id of the user's root folder."},
- 		&{Name: "external_id", Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user."},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "persistent_id",
- 			Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent ID is unique ID to be used for SAML authentication.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
  		&{Name: "role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},

Changed report: member_quota

  	Name:    "member_quota",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of custom quota settings for each team members.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."}, &{Name: "quota", Desc: "Custom quota in GB (1 TB = 1024 GB). 0 if the user has no custom"...}},

Changed report: namespace

  	Name: "namespace",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of namespaces in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
  		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the ID of the owning tea"...},

Changed report: namespace_file

  	Name: "namespace_file",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of namespaces in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
- 		&{Name: "namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "namespace_name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
  		&{Name: "namespace_member_email", Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the email address of the"...},
- 		&{Name: "file_id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
  		&{Name: "path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "Set if the folder is contained by a shared folder.",
- 		},

Changed report: namespace_size

  	Name: "namespace_size",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
  		&{Name: "input.name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "input.namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "input.namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.team_member_id",
- 			Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the ID of the owning team member.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "result.namespace_name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "result.namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.namespace_type",
- 			Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_folder, or team_member_folder)",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.owner_team_member_id",
- 			Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the ID of the owning team member.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path", Desc: "Path to the folder"},
  		&{Name: "result.count_file", Desc: "Number of files under the folder"},
  		... // 4 identical elements
  	Name: "shared_link",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of shared links with the shared link owner team member.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_link_id",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the linked file or folder",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Entry type (file, or folder)"},
  		&{Name: "url", Desc: "URL of the shared link."},
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "path_lower", Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox."},
  		&{Name: "visibility", Desc: "The current visibility of the link after considering the shared "...},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		... // 2 identical elements

Changed report: usage

  	Name:    "usage",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows current storage usage of users.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of the account"}, &{Name: "used_gb", Desc: "The user's total space usage (in GB, 1GB = 1024 MB)."}, &{Name: "used_bytes", Desc: "The user's total space usage (bytes)."}, &{Name: "allocation", Desc: "The user's space allocation (individual, or team)"}, ...},

Command spec changed: team feature

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_info",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: feature

  	Name:    "feature",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of team features and their settings.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "upload_api_rate_limit", Desc: "The number of upload API calls allowed per month."}, &{Name: "upload_api_rate_limit_count", Desc: "The number of upload API called this month."}, &{Name: "has_team_shared_dropbox", Desc: "Does this team have a shared team root."}, &{Name: "has_team_file_events", Desc: "Does this team have file events."}, ...},

Command spec changed: team filerequest list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: file_request

  	Name: "file_request",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of file requests with the file request owner team member.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "Account ID of this file request owner."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "team_member_id",
- 			Desc: "ID of file request owner user as a member of a team",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of this file request owner."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user status of this file request owner (active/invited/suspe"...},
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Surname of this file request owner."},
  		&{Name: "given_name", Desc: "Given name of this file request owner."},
- 		&{Name: "file_request_id", Desc: "The ID of the file request."},
  		&{Name: "url", Desc: "The URL of the file request."},
  		&{Name: "title", Desc: "The title of the file request."},
  		... // 6 identical elements

Command spec changed: team info

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_info",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: info

  	Name:    "info",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of team information.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "name", Desc: "The name of the team"}, &{Name: "team_id", Desc: "The ID of the team."}, &{Name: "num_licensed_users", Desc: "The number of licenses available to the team."}, &{Name: "num_provisioned_users", Desc: "The number of accounts that have been invited or are already act"...}, ...},

Command spec changed: team linkedapp list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: linked_app

  	Name: "linked_app",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of linked app with the user of the app.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "given_name", Desc: "Also known as a first name"},
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
- 		&{Name: "familiar_name", Desc: "Locale-dependent name"},
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
- 		&{Name: "abbreviated_name", Desc: "An abbreviated form of the person's name."},
- 		&{Name: "external_id", Desc: "External ID that a team can attach to the user."},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{Name: "app_id", Desc: "The application unique id."},
  		&{Name: "app_name", Desc: "The application name."},
  		&{Name: "is_app_folder", Desc: "Whether the linked application uses a dedicated folder."},
  		... // 3 identical elements

Command spec changed: team namespace file list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeDeleted",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, deleted file or folder will be returned",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeMediaInfo",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, media info is set for photo and video in json report",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeMemberFolder",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, include team member folders",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeSharedFolder",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, include shared folders",
+ 			Default:  "true",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeTeamFolder",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, include team folders",
+ 			Default:  "true",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Name",
+ 			Desc:     "List only for the folder matched to the name",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: namespace_file

  	Name: "namespace_file",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of namespaces in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
- 		&{Name: "namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "namespace_name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
  		&{Name: "namespace_member_email", Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the email address of the"...},
- 		&{Name: "file_id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
  		&{Name: "path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "Set if the folder is contained by a shared folder.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: team namespace file size

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Depth",
+ 			Desc:     "Report entry for all files and directories depth directories deep",
+ 			Default:  "1",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(1)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeAppFolder",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, include app folders",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeMemberFolder",
+ 			Desc:     "if true, include team member folders",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeSharedFolder",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, include shared folders",
+ 			Default:  "true",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "IncludeTeamFolder",
+ 			Desc:     "If true, include team folders",
+ 			Default:  "true",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Name",
+ 			Desc:     "List only for the folder matched to the name",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: namespace_size

  	Name: "namespace_size",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
  		&{Name: "input.name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "input.namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "input.namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.team_member_id",
- 			Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the ID of the owning team member.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "result.namespace_name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "result.namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.namespace_type",
- 			Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_folder, or team_member_folder)",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.owner_team_member_id",
- 			Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the ID of the owning team member.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path", Desc: "Path to the folder"},
  		&{Name: "result.count_file", Desc: "Number of files under the folder"},
  		... // 4 identical elements

Command spec changed: team namespace list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: namespace

  	Name: "namespace",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of namespaces in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
  		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the ID of the owning tea"...},

Command spec changed: team namespace member list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "AllColumns", Desc: "Show all columns", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: namespace_member

  	Name: "namespace_member",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of members of namespaces in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "namespace_name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
  		&{Name: "entry_access_type", Desc: "The current user's access level for this shared file/folder (own"...},
  		... // 5 identical elements

Command spec changed: team sharedlink list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Visibility",
+ 			Desc:     "Filter links by visibility (public/team_only/password)",
+ 			Default:  "public",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"options": []interface{}{...}},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields
  	Name: "shared_link",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of shared links with the shared link owner team member.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_link_id",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the linked file or folder",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Entry type (file, or folder)"},
  		&{Name: "url", Desc: "URL of the shared link."},
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "path_lower", Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox."},
  		&{Name: "visibility", Desc: "The current visibility of the link after considering the shared "...},
- 		&{Name: "account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{Name: "team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		... // 2 identical elements

Command spec changed: team sharedlink update expiry

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "At",
+ 			Desc:     "New expiration date and time",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Days",
+ 			Desc:     "Days to the new expiration date",
+ 			Default:  "0",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(0)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Visibility",
+ 			Desc:     "Target link visibility",
+ 			Default:  "public",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"options": []interface{}{...}},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: skipped

  	Name:    "skipped",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a list of shared links with the shared link owner team member.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Entry type (file, or folder)"}, &{Name: "url", Desc: "URL of the shared link."}, &{Name: "name", Desc: "The linked file name (including extension)."}, &{Name: "expires", Desc: "Expiration time, if set."}, ...},

Changed report: updated

  	Name: "updated",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.shared_link_id",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the linked file or folder",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "input.tag", Desc: "Entry type (file, or folder)"},
  		&{Name: "input.url", Desc: "URL of the shared link."},
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.path_lower", Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox."},
  		&{Name: "input.visibility", Desc: "The current visibility of the link after considering the shared "...},
- 		&{Name: "input.account_id", Desc: "A user's account identifier."},
- 		&{Name: "input.team_member_id", Desc: "ID of user as a member of a team."},
  		&{Name: "input.email", Desc: "Email address of user."},
  		&{Name: "input.status", Desc: "The user's status as a member of a specific team. (active/invite"...},
  		&{Name: "input.surname", Desc: "Surname of the link owner"},
  		&{Name: "input.given_name", Desc: "Given name of the link owner"},
- 		&{Name: "result.id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the linked file or folder"},
- 		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Entry type (file, or folder)"},
- 		&{Name: "result.url", Desc: "URL of the shared link."},
- 		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The linked file name (including extension)."},
  		&{Name: "result.expires", Desc: "Expiration time, if set."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.path_lower",
- 			Desc: "The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.visibility",
- 			Desc: "The current visibility of the link after considering the shared links policies of the the team (in case the link's owner is part"...,
- 		},

Command spec changed: teamfolder archive

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Team folder name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder batch archive

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "File",
+ 			Desc:     "Data file for a list of team folder names",
+ 			TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
  		&{Name: "input.name", Desc: "Name of team folder"},
- 		&{Name: "result.team_folder_id", Desc: "The ID of the team folder."},
  		&{Name: "result.name", Desc: "The name of the team folder."},
  		&{Name: "result.status", Desc: "The status of the team folder (active, archived, or archive_in_p"...},
  		... // 2 identical elements

Command spec changed: teamfolder batch permdelete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "File",
+ 			Desc:     "Data file for a list of team folder names",
+ 			TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name:    "operation_log",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"}, &{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"}, &{Name: "input.name", Desc: "Name of team folder"}},

Command spec changed: teamfolder batch replication

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DstPeerName",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination team account alias",
+ 			Default:  "dst",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "File",
+ 			Desc:     "Data file for a list of team folder names",
+ 			TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed",
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "SrcPeerName",
+ 			Desc:     "Source team account alias",
+ 			Default:  "src",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: verification

  	Name:    "verification",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a difference between to folders.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "diff_type", Desc: "Type of difference. `file_content_diff`: different content hash,"...}, &{Name: "left_path", Desc: "path of left"}, &{Name: "left_kind", Desc: "folder or file"}, &{Name: "left_size", Desc: "size of left file"}, ...},

Command spec changed: teamfolder file list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: namespace_file

  	Name: "namespace_file",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of namespaces in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
- 		&{Name: "namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "namespace_name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
  		&{Name: "namespace_member_email", Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the email address of the"...},
- 		&{Name: "file_id", Desc: "A unique identifier for the file."},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Type of entry. `file`, `folder`, or `deleted`"},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
  		&{Name: "path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
  		&{Name: "client_modified", Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop clie"...},
  		&{Name: "server_modified", Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "revision",
- 			Desc: "A unique identifier for the current revision of a file.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- 		&{Name: "content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared folder mounted at this location.",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "parent_shared_folder_id",
- 			Desc: "Set if the folder is contained by a shared folder.",
- 		},

Command spec changed: teamfolder file size

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Depth",
+ 			Desc:     "Depth",
+ 			Default:  "1",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(1)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: namespace_size

  	Name: "namespace_size",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
  		&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
  		&{Name: "input.name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "input.namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
  		&{Name: "input.namespace_type", Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_fold"...},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "input.team_member_id",
- 			Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the ID of the owning team member.",
- 		},
- 		&{Name: "result.namespace_name", Desc: "The name of this namespace"},
- 		&{Name: "result.namespace_id", Desc: "The ID of this namespace."},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.namespace_type",
- 			Desc: "The type of this namespace (app_folder, shared_folder, team_folder, or team_member_folder)",
- 		},
- 		&{
- 			Name: "result.owner_team_member_id",
- 			Desc: "If this is a team member or app folder, the ID of the owning team member.",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "result.path", Desc: "Path to the folder"},
  		&{Name: "result.count_file", Desc: "Number of files under the folder"},
  		... // 4 identical elements

Command spec changed: teamfolder list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: team_folder

  	Name: "team_folder",
- 	Desc: "",
+ 	Desc: "This report shows a list of team folders in the team.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- 		&{Name: "team_folder_id", Desc: "The ID of the team folder."},
  		&{Name: "name", Desc: "The name of the team folder."},
  		&{Name: "status", Desc: "The status of the team folder (active, archived, or archive_in_p"...},
  		... // 2 identical elements

Command spec changed: teamfolder permdelete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Team folder name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Peer",
+ 			Desc:     "Account alias",
+ 			Default:  "default",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder replication

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "DstPeerName",
+ 			Desc:     "Destination team account alias",
+ 			Default:  "dst",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 		&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Team folder name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "SrcPeerName",
+ 			Desc:     "Source team account alias",
+ 			Default:  "src",
+ 			TypeName: "string",
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Changed report: verification

  	Name:    "verification",
- 	Desc:    "",
+ 	Desc:    "This report shows a difference between to folders.",
  	Columns: {&{Name: "diff_type", Desc: "Type of difference. `file_content_diff`: different content hash,"...}, &{Name: "left_path", Desc: "path of left"}, &{Name: "left_kind", Desc: "folder or file"}, &{Name: "left_size", Desc: "size of left file"}, ...},

Command spec changed: web

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
- 	Values:  nil,
+ 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Port",
+ 			Desc:     "Port number",
+ 			Default:  "7800",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(65535), "min": float64(1024), "value": float64(7800)},
+ 		},
+ 	},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields