watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services

Changes between Release 65 to Release 66

Commands added

Command Title
dev catalogue Generate catalogue
dev kvs dump Dump KVS data
services github release asset download Download assets
services github release asset upload Upload assets file into the GitHub Release
team filerequest clone Clone file requests by given data

Commands deleted

Command Title
dev desktop install Install Dropbox client
dev desktop start Launch Dropbox Desktop desktop app
dev desktop stop Try stopping Dropbox desktop app
dev desktop suspendupdate Suspend/unsuspend Dropbox Updater
dev diag procmon Collect Process monitor logs
services github release asset up Upload assets file into the GitHub Release
web Launch web console

Command spec changed: config disable

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: config enable

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: config features

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect business_audit

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect business_file

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect business_info

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect business_mgmt

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: connect user_file

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev preflight

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       true,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev release candidate

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       true,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
- 	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
- 		&{
- 			Name:     "TestResource",
- 			Desc:     "Path to the test resource location",
- 			Default:  "test/dev/resource.json",
- 			TypeName: "string",
- 		},
- 	},
+ 	Values:         []*dc_recipe.Value{},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev release publish

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       true,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "ConnGithub", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo", ...},
  		&{Name: "SkipTests", Desc: "Skip end to end tests.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
- 		&{
- 			Name:     "TestResource",
- 			Desc:     "Path to test resource",
- 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
- 		},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev test recipe

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "All", Desc: "Test all recipes", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
- 		&{
- 			Name:     "Recipe",
- 			Desc:     "Recipe name to test",
- 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
- 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "NoTimeout",
+ 			Desc:     "Do not timeout running recipe tests",
+ 			Default:  "false",
+ 			TypeName: "bool",
+ 		},
- 			Name:     "Resource",
+ 			Name:     "Single",
- 			Desc:     "Test resource file path",
+ 			Desc:     "Recipe name to test",
  			Default:  "",
  			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
  			TypeAttr: nil,
  		&{Name: "Verbose", Desc: "Verbose output for testing", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev util curl

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       true,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev util wait

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       true,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: file delete

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "delete",
  	Title:   "Delete file or folder",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file delete",
  	CliArgs: "-path /PATH/TO/DELETE",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file dispatch local

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "local",
  	Title:   "Dispatch local files",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file dispatch local",
  	CliArgs: "-file /PATH/TO/DATA_FILE.csv",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file import batch url

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "url",
  	Title:   "Batch import files from URL",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file import batch url",
  	CliArgs: "-file /path/to/data/file -path /path/to/import",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file import url

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "url",
  	Title:   "Import file from the URL",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file import url",
  	CliArgs: "-url URL -path /path/to/import",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file merge

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "merge",
  	Title:   "Merge paths",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file merge",
  	CliArgs: "-from /from/path -to /path/to",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file move

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "move",
  	Title:   "Move files",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file move",
  	CliArgs: "-src /SRC/PATH -dst /DST/PATH",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file replication

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "replication",
  	Title:   "Replicate file content to the other account",
  	Desc:    "This command will replicate files/folders. But it does not inclu"...,
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file replication",
  	CliArgs: "-src source -src-path /path/src -dst dest -dst-path /path/dest",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file restore

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "restore",
  	Title:   "Restore files under given path",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "(Experimental)",
+ 	Remarks: "(Experimental, and Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file restore",
  	CliArgs: "-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/RESTORE",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: true,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file sync up

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "up",
  	Title:   "Upstream sync with Dropbox",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file sync up",
  	CliArgs: "-dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH/TO/UPLOAD -local-path /LOCAL/PATH/OF"...,
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: file upload

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "upload",
  	Title:   "Upload file",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "file upload",
  	CliArgs: "-local-path /PATH/TO/UPLOAD -dropbox-path /DROPBOX/PATH",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: filerequest create

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "create",
  	Title:   "Create a file request",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "filerequest create",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: filerequest delete closed

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "closed",
  	Title:   "Delete all closed file requests on this account.",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "filerequest delete closed",
  	CliArgs: "",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: filerequest delete url

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "url",
  	Title:   "Delete a file request by the file request URL",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "filerequest delete url",
  	CliArgs: "",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: group add

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "add",
  	Title:   "Create new group",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "group add",
  	CliArgs: "",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: group member add

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "add",
  	Title:   "Add a member to the group",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "group member add",
  	CliArgs: "",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: group rename

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "rename",
  	Title:   "Rename the group",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "group rename",
  	CliArgs: "",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: job history archive

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: job history delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
  	IsExperimental: false,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: job loop

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "loop",
  	Title:   "Run runbook until specified date/time",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Experimental)",
  	Path:    "job loop",
  	CliArgs: `-runbook-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/RUNBOOK.runbook -until "2020-04-01 `...,
  	... // 4 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
- 	IsExperimental: false,
+ 	IsExperimental: true,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	... // 7 identical fields

Command spec changed: job run

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "run",
  	Title:   "Run workflow with *.runbook file",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Experimental)",
  	Path:    "job run",
  	CliArgs: "-runbook-path /LOCAL/PATH/TO/RUNBOOK.runbook",
  	... // 4 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      false,
+ 	IsConsole:      true,
- 	IsExperimental: false,
+ 	IsExperimental: true,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	Feeds:          nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
- 		&{
- 			Name:     "Fork",
- 			Desc:     "Fork process on running the workflow",
- 			Default:  "false",
- 			TypeName: "bool",
- 		},
  		&{Name: "RunbookPath", Desc: "Path to the runbook", TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
- 		&{
- 			Name:     "TimeoutSeconds",
- 			Desc:     "Terminate process when given time passed",
- 			Default:  "0",
- 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_int.range_int",
- 			TypeAttr: map[string]interface{}{"max": float64(3.1536e+07), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(0)},
- 		},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: member delete

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "delete",
  	Title:   "Delete members",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "member delete",
  	CliArgs: "-file /path/to/data/file.csv",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: member detach

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "detach",
  	Title:   "Convert Dropbox Business accounts to a Basic account",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "member detach",
  	CliArgs: "-file /path/to/data/file.csv",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: member invite

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "invite",
  	Title:   "Invite member(s)",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "member invite",
  	CliArgs: "-file /path/to/data/file.csv",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: member reinvite

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "reinvite",
  	Title:   "Reinvite invited status members to the team",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "member reinvite",
  	CliArgs: "",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: member update email

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "email",
  	Title:   "Member email operation",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "member update email",
  	CliArgs: "-file /path/to/data/file.csv",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: member update externalid

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "externalid",
  	Title:   "Update External ID of team members",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "member update externalid",
  	CliArgs: "-file /path/to/file.csv",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: member update profile

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "profile",
  	Title:   "Update member profile",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "member update profile",
  	CliArgs: "-file /path/to/data/file.csv",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: services github issue list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: true,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: services github profile

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: true,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: services github release asset list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: true,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Changed report: assets

  	Name: "assets",
  	Desc: "GitHub Release assets",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "state", Desc: "State of the asset"},
  		&{Name: "download_count", Desc: "Number of downloads"},
+ 		&{Name: "download_url", Desc: "Download URL"},

Command spec changed: services github release draft

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "draft",
  	Title:   "Create release draft",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "(Experimental)",
+ 	Remarks: "(Experimental, and Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "services github release draft",
  	CliArgs: "-body-file /LOCAL/PATH/TO/body.txt",
  	... // 4 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: true,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: services github release list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: true,
  	IsIrreversible: false,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: services github tag create

Command configuration changed

  	... // 10 identical fields
  	Services:       nil,
  	IsSecret:       false,
- 	IsConsole:      true,
+ 	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: true,
  	IsIrreversible: true,
  	... // 8 identical fields

Command spec changed: sharedlink create

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "create",
  	Title:   "Create shared link",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "sharedlink create",
  	CliArgs: "-path /path/to/share",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: team diag explorer

Added report(s)

Name Description
namespace_member This report shows a list of members of namespaces in the team.
team_folder This report shows a list of team folders in the team.

Command spec changed: team namespace file list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "IncludeSharedFolder", Desc: "If true, include shared folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  		&{Name: "IncludeTeamFolder", Desc: "If true, include team folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  			Name:     "Name",
  			Desc:     "List only for the folder matched to the name",
  			Default:  "",
- 			TypeName: "string",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
  			TypeAttr: nil,
  		&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: team namespace file size

Command configuration changed

  	... // 16 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "IncludeSharedFolder", Desc: "If true, include shared folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  		&{Name: "IncludeTeamFolder", Desc: "If true, include team folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  			Name:     "Name",
  			Desc:     "List only for the folder matched to the name",
  			Default:  "",
- 			TypeName: "string",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
  			TypeAttr: nil,
  		&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  nil,
  	GridDataOutput: nil,
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder archive

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "archive",
  	Title:   "Archive team folder",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "teamfolder archive",
  	CliArgs: "-name TEAMFOLDER_NAME",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder batch archive

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "archive",
  	Title:   "Archiving team folders",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "",
+ 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "teamfolder batch archive",
  	CliArgs: "-file /path/to/file.csv",
  	... // 6 identical fields
  	IsConsole:      false,
  	IsExperimental: false,
- 	IsIrreversible: false,
+ 	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	Reports:        nil,
  	... // 6 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder replication

Command configuration changed

  	Name:    "replication",
  	Title:   "Replicate a team folder to the other team",
  	Desc:    "",
- 	Remarks: "(Irreversible operation)",
+ 	Remarks: "(Experimental, and Irreversible operation)",
  	Path:    "teamfolder replication",
  	CliArgs: "",
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	IsSecret:       false,
  	IsConsole:      false,
- 	IsExperimental: false,
+ 	IsExperimental: true,
  	IsIrreversible: true,
  	IsTransient:    false,
  	... // 7 identical fields