Release 72
to Release 73
Command | Title |
dev benchmark upload | Upload benchmark |
dev build catalogue | Generate catalogue |
dev build doc | Document generator |
dev build license | Generate LICENSE.txt |
dev build preflight | Process prerequisites for the release |
dev build readme | Generate README.txt |
dev test async | Async framework test |
dev test echo | Echo text |
file size | Storage usage |
file sync down | Downstream sync with Dropbox |
file sync online | Sync online files |
services asana team list | List team |
services asana team project list | List projects of the team |
services asana team task list | List task of the team |
services asana workspace list | List workspaces |
services asana workspace project list | List projects of the workspace |
Command | Title |
dev async | Async framework test |
dev catalogue | Generate catalogue |
dev doc | Document generator |
dev echo | Echo text |
dev preflight | Process prerequisites for the release |
file sync preflight up | Upstream sync preflight check |
file upload | Upload file |
dev ci artifact up
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "DropboxPath", Desc: "Dropbox path to upload", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
Name: "LocalPath",
Desc: "Local path to upload",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "PeerName", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "deploy", TypeName: "string", ...},
&{Name: "Timeout", Desc: "Operation timeout in seconds", Default: "30", TypeName: "int", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
Name | Description |
deleted | Path |
Name: "skipped",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
- &{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
- &{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- &{
- Name: "",
- Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension).",
- },
- &{
- Name: "result.path_display",
- Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only.",
- },
- &{
- Name: "result.client_modified",
- Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox.",
- },
- &{
- Name: "result.server_modified",
- Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox.",
- },
- &{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- &{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
+ &{Name: "input.entry_path", Desc: "Path"},
Name: "summary",
Desc: "This report shows a summary of the upload results.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- &{Name: "upload_start", Desc: "Time of start uploading"},
+ &{Name: "start", Desc: "Time of start"},
- &{Name: "upload_end", Desc: "Time of finish uploading"},
+ &{Name: "end", Desc: "Time of finish"},
&{Name: "num_bytes", Desc: "Total upload size (Bytes)"},
&{Name: "num_files_error", Desc: "The number of files failed or got an error."},
- &{Name: "num_files_upload", Desc: "The number of files uploaded or to upload."},
+ &{Name: "num_files_transferred", Desc: "The number of files uploaded/downloaded."},
&{Name: "num_files_skip", Desc: "The number of files skipped or to skip."},
+ &{Name: "num_folder_created", Desc: "Number of created folders."},
+ &{Name: "num_delete", Desc: "Number of deleted entry."},
&{Name: "num_api_call", Desc: "The number of estimated upload API call for upload."},
Name: "uploaded",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
- &{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
- &{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
+ &{Name: "input.path", Desc: "Path"},
&{Name: "", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
... // 4 identical elements
dev diag endpoint
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "JobId",
Desc: "Job Id to diagnosis",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to the workspace",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev diag throughput
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "EndpointNamePrefix", Desc: "Filter by endpoint. Filter by name match to the prefix."},
&{Name: "EndpointNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter by endpoint. Filter by name match to the suffix."},
Name: "JobId",
Desc: "Specify Job ID",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to workspace",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "TimeFormat", Desc: "Time format in go's time format", Default: "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev kvs dump
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to KVS data",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev release publish
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "ArtifactPath",
Desc: "Path to artifacts",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "Branch", Desc: "Target branch", Default: "master", TypeName: "string", ...},
&{Name: "ConnGithub", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo", ...},
&{Name: "SkipTests", Desc: "Skip end to end tests.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev spec diff
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "FilePath",
Desc: "File path to output",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Lang",
Desc: "Language",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Release1",
Desc: "Release name 1",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Release2",
Desc: "Release name 2",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev spec doc
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "FilePath",
Desc: "File path",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Lang",
Desc: "Language",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev test monkey
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Distribution",
Desc: "Number of files/folder distribution",
Default: "10000",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(10000)},
&{Name: "Extension", Desc: "File extensions (comma separated)", Default: "jpg,pdf,xlsx,docx,pptx,zip,png,txt,bak,csv,mov,mp4,html,gif,lzh,"..., TypeName: "string", ...},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Monkey test path", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
Name: "Seconds",
Desc: "Monkey test duration in seconds",
Default: "10",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(86400), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(10)},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev test recipe
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "All", Desc: "Test all recipes", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "NoTimeout", Desc: "Do not timeout running recipe tests", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "Single",
Desc: "Recipe name to test",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Verbose", Desc: "Verbose output for testing", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev util anonymise
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "JobIdName", Desc: "Filter by job id name Filter by exact match to the name."},
&{Name: "JobIdNamePrefix", Desc: "Filter by job id name Filter by name match to the prefix."},
&{Name: "JobIdNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter by job id name Filter by name match to the suffix."},
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to the workspace",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev util curl
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "BufferSize",
Desc: "Size of buffer",
Default: "65536",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(2.097152e+06), "min": float64(1024), "value": float64(65536)},
Name: "Record",
Desc: "Capture record(s) for the test",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev util image jpeg
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Count",
Desc: "Number of files to generate",
Default: "10",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(32767), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(10)},
Name: "Height",
Desc: "Height",
Default: "1080",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(65535), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(1080)},
&{Name: "NamePrefix", Desc: "Filename prefix", Default: "test_image", TypeName: "string", ...},
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to generate files",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
Name: "Quality",
Desc: "Quality of jpeg",
Default: "75",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(100), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(75)},
&{Name: "Seed", Desc: "Random seed", Default: "1", TypeName: "int", ...},
Name: "Width",
Desc: "Width",
Default: "1920",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(65535), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(1920)},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
dev util wait
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Seconds",
Desc: "Wait seconds",
Default: "1",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(604800), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(1)},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
file compare local
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "DropboxPath", Desc: "Dropbox path", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
Name: "LocalPath",
Desc: "Local path",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
file download
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "DropboxPath", Desc: "File path to download", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
Name: "LocalPath",
Desc: "Local path to download",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
file export doc
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "DropboxPath", Desc: "Dropbox document path to export.", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
Name: "LocalPath",
Desc: "Local path to save",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
file import batch url
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to import",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
file list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "IncludeDeleted", Desc: "Include deleted files", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
- &{
- Name: "IncludeMediaInfo",
- Desc: "Include media information",
- Default: "false",
- TypeName: "bool",
- },
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
&{Name: "Recursive", Desc: "List recursively", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
file search content
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Category",
Desc: "Restricts search to only the file categories specified (image/do"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("image"), string("document"), string("pdf"), ...}},
Name: "Extension",
Desc: "Restricts search to only the extensions specified.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Scopes the search to a path in the user's Dropbox.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
&{Name: "Query", Desc: "The string to search for.", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
file search name
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Category",
Desc: "Restricts search to only the file categories specified (image/do"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("image"), string("document"), string("pdf"), ...}},
Name: "Extension",
Desc: "Restricts search to only the extensions specified.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Scopes the search to a path in the user's Dropbox.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
&{Name: "Query", Desc: "The string to search for.", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
file sync up
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "ChunkSizeKb",
Desc: "Upload chunk size in KB",
Default: "65536",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(153600), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(65536)},
+ &{
+ Name: "Delete",
+ Desc: "Delete Dropbox file if a file removed locally",
+ Default: "false",
+ TypeName: "bool",
+ },
&{Name: "DropboxPath", Desc: "Destination Dropbox path", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
+ &{
+ Name: "LocalPath",
+ Desc: "Local file path",
+ TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
+ TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "NameDisableIgnore",
+ Desc: "Filter by name. Filter system file or ignore files.",
+ },
+ &{Name: "NameName", Desc: "Filter by name. Filter by exact match to the name."},
- &{
- Name: "FailOnError",
- Desc: "Returns error when any error happens while the operation. This command will not return any error when this flag is not enabled. "...,
- Default: "false",
- TypeName: "bool",
- },
+ &{
+ Name: "NameNamePrefix",
+ Desc: "Filter by name. Filter by name match to the prefix.",
+ },
- &{
- Name: "LocalPath",
- Desc: "Local file path",
- TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
- TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
- },
+ &{
+ Name: "NameNameSuffix",
+ Desc: "Filter by name. Filter by name match to the suffix.",
+ },
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
+ &{
+ Name: "SkipExisting",
+ Desc: "Skip existing files. Do not overwrite",
+ Default: "false",
+ TypeName: "bool",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "WorkPath",
+ Desc: "Temporary path",
+ TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ },
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
Name | Description |
deleted | Path |
Name: "skipped",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
- &{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
- &{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
- &{
- Name: "",
- Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension).",
- },
- &{
- Name: "result.path_display",
- Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only.",
- },
- &{
- Name: "result.client_modified",
- Desc: "For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox.",
- },
- &{
- Name: "result.server_modified",
- Desc: "The last time the file was modified on Dropbox.",
- },
- &{Name: "result.size", Desc: "The file size in bytes."},
- &{Name: "result.content_hash", Desc: "A hash of the file content."},
+ &{Name: "input.entry_path", Desc: "Path"},
Name: "summary",
Desc: "This report shows a summary of the upload results.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
- &{Name: "upload_start", Desc: "Time of start uploading"},
+ &{Name: "start", Desc: "Time of start"},
- &{Name: "upload_end", Desc: "Time of finish uploading"},
+ &{Name: "end", Desc: "Time of finish"},
&{Name: "num_bytes", Desc: "Total upload size (Bytes)"},
&{Name: "num_files_error", Desc: "The number of files failed or got an error."},
- &{Name: "num_files_upload", Desc: "The number of files uploaded or to upload."},
+ &{Name: "num_files_transferred", Desc: "The number of files uploaded/downloaded."},
&{Name: "num_files_skip", Desc: "The number of files skipped or to skip."},
+ &{Name: "num_folder_created", Desc: "Number of created folders."},
+ &{Name: "num_delete", Desc: "Number of deleted entry."},
&{Name: "num_api_call", Desc: "The number of estimated upload API call for upload."},
Name: "uploaded",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
&{Name: "status", Desc: "Status of the operation"},
&{Name: "reason", Desc: "Reason of failure or skipped operation"},
- &{Name: "input.file", Desc: "Local file path"},
- &{Name: "input.size", Desc: "Local file size"},
+ &{Name: "input.path", Desc: "Path"},
&{Name: "", Desc: "The last component of the path (including extension)."},
&{Name: "result.path_display", Desc: "The cased path to be used for display purposes only."},
... // 4 identical elements
filerequest create
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "AllowLateUploads",
Desc: "If set, allow uploads after the deadline has passed (one_day/two"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Deadline", Desc: "The deadline for this file request.", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "The path for the folder in the Dropbox where uploaded files will"..., TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
... // 2 identical elements
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
group add
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "ManagementType",
Desc: "Group management type `company_managed` or `user_managed`",
Default: "company_managed",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("company_managed"), string("user_managed")}},
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Group name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
job history archive
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Days",
Desc: "Target days old",
Default: "7",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(3650), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(7)},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
job history delete
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Days",
Desc: "Target days old",
Default: "28",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(3650), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(28)},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
job history list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to workspace",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
job log jobid
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Id", Desc: "Job ID", TypeName: "string"},
Name: "Kind",
Desc: "Kind of log",
Default: "toolbox",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("toolbox"), string("capture"), string("summary"), string("recipe"), ...}},
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to the workspace",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
job log kind
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Kind",
Desc: "Log kind.",
Default: "toolbox",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("toolbox"), string("capture"), string("summary"), string("recipe"), ...}},
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to workspace.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
job log last
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Kind",
Desc: "Log kind",
Default: "toolbox",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("toolbox"), string("capture"), string("summary"), string("recipe"), ...}},
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to workspace.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
member delete
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt", ...},
Name: "TransferDestMember",
Desc: "If provided, files from the deleted member account will be trans"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "TransferNotifyAdminEmailOnError",
Desc: "If provided, errors during the transfer process will be sent via"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "WipeData", Desc: "If true, controls if the user's data will be deleted on their li"..., Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
member quota update
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_mgmt", ...},
Name: "Quota",
Desc: "Custom quota in GB (1TB = 1024GB). 0 if the user has no custom q"...,
Default: "0",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(0)},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services github content get
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to the content", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo", ...},
Name: "Ref",
Desc: "Name of reference",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services github content put
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Branch",
Desc: "Name of the branch",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Content",
Desc: "Path to a content file",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "Message", Desc: "Commit message", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
... // 3 identical elements
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services github release asset download
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
Name: "Path",
Desc: "Path to download",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo", ...},
&{Name: "Release", Desc: "Release tag name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Name of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services github release asset upload
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Asset",
Desc: "Path to assets",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo", ...},
... // 2 identical elements
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services github release draft
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "BodyFile",
Desc: "File path to body text. THe file must encoded in UTF-8 without BOM.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
&{Name: "Branch", Desc: "Name of the target branch", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Name of the release", TypeName: "string"},
... // 4 identical elements
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services google mail filter add
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "AddLabelIfNotExist", Desc: "Create a label if it is not exist.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "AddLabels",
Desc: "List of labels to add to the message, separated by ','.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "CriteriaExcludeChats", Desc: "Whether the response should exclude chats.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "CriteriaFrom",
Desc: "The sender's display name or email address.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "CriteriaHasAttachment", Desc: "Messages that have any attachment.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "CriteriaNegatedQuery",
Desc: "Only return messages not matching the specified query.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "CriteriaNoAttachment", Desc: "Messages that does not have any attachment.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "CriteriaQuery",
Desc: "Only return messages matching the specified query.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "CriteriaSize", Desc: "The size of the entire RFC822 message in bytes, including all he"..., Default: "0", TypeName: "int", ...},
Name: "CriteriaSizeComparison",
Desc: "How the message size in bytes should be in relation to the size "...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "CriteriaTo",
Desc: "The recipient's display name or email address. Includes recipien"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "Forward",
Desc: "Email address that the message should be forwarded to.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "", ...},
Name: "RemoveLabels",
Desc: "List of labels to remove from the message, separated by ','.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "UserId", Desc: "The user's email address. The special value me can be used to in"..., Default: "me", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services google mail filter batch add
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "AddLabelIfNotExist", Desc: "Create a label if it is not exist.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
- Name: "ApplyToInboxMessages",
+ Name: "ApplyToExistingMessages",
Desc: strings.Join({
"Apply labels to ",
- "messages satisfy query in INBOX",
+ "existing messages that satisfy the query",
}, ""),
Default: "false",
TypeName: "bool",
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "", ...},
&{Name: "UserId", Desc: "The user's email address. The special value me can be used to in"..., Default: "me", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services google mail label add
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "ColorBackground",
Desc: "The background color.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("#000000"), string("#434343"), string("#666666"), ...}},
Name: "ColorText",
Desc: "The text color.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("#000000"), string("#434343"), string("#666666"), ...}},
Name: "LabelListVisibility",
Desc: "The visibility of the label in the label list in the Gmail web i"...,
Default: "labelShow",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("labelHide"), string("labelShow"), string("labelShowIfUnread")}},
Name: "MessageListVisibility",
Desc: "The visibility of messages with this label in the message list i"...,
Default: "show",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("hide"), string("show")}},
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Name of the label", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "", ...},
&{Name: "UserId", Desc: "The user's email address. The special value me can be used to in"..., Default: "me", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services google mail message list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "The format to return the message in. ",
Default: "metadata",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("full"), string("metadata"), string("minimal"), string("raw")}},
&{Name: "IncludeSpamTrash", Desc: "Include messages from SPAM and TRASH in the results.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "Labels",
Desc: "Only return messages with labels that match all of the specified"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "MaxResults", Desc: "Maximum number of messages to return.", Default: "20", TypeName: "int", ...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "", ...},
Name: "Query",
Desc: "Only return messages matching the specified query.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "UserId", Desc: "The user's email address. The special value me can be used to in"..., Default: "me", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
services google mail message processed list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Format",
Desc: "The format to return the message in. ",
Default: "metadata",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("full"), string("metadata"), string("minimal"), string("raw")}},
&{Name: "IncludeSpamTrash", Desc: "Include messages from SPAM and TRASH in the results.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "Labels",
Desc: "Only return messages with labels that match all of the specified"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "MaxResults", Desc: "Maximum number of messages to return.", Default: "20", TypeName: "int", ...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "", ...},
Name: "Query",
Desc: "Only return messages matching the specified query.",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "UserId", Desc: "The user's email address. The special value me can be used to in"..., Default: "me", TypeName: "string", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
sharedlink create
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Expires", Desc: "Expiration date/time of the shared link", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
Name: "Password",
Desc: "Password",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
&{Name: "TeamOnly", Desc: "Link is accessible only by team members", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
sharedlink file list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Password",
Desc: "Password for the shared link",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_user_file", ...},
&{Name: "Url", Desc: "Shared link URL", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_url.url_impl"},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
team activity batch user
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Category",
Desc: "Filter the returned events to a single category. This field is o"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "EndTime", Desc: "Ending time (exclusive).", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
&{Name: "File", Desc: "User email address list file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
... // 2 identical elements
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
team activity daily event
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Category",
Desc: "Event category",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
Name: "EndDate",
Desc: "End date",
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_audit", ...},
&{Name: "StartDate", Desc: "Start date", TypeName: "string"},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
team activity event
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Category",
Desc: "Filter the returned events to a single category. This field is o"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "EndTime", Desc: "Ending time (exclusive).", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_audit", ...},
&{Name: "StartTime", Desc: "Starting time (inclusive)", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
team activity user
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Category",
Desc: "Filter the returned events to a single category. This field is o"...,
Default: "",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: nil,
&{Name: "EndTime", Desc: "Ending time (exclusive).", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_audit", ...},
&{Name: "StartTime", Desc: "Starting time (inclusive)", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
team content member list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 4 identical elements
&{Name: "MemberTypeInternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are internal (in the sa"...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
+ &{
+ Name: "ScanTimeout",
+ Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder of the team folder will be replaced with a dummy path like `TEA"...,
+ Default: "short",
+ TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
+ },
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
team content policy list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "FolderNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by name match to the suffix."},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
+ &{
+ Name: "ScanTimeout",
+ Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder of the team folder will be replaced with a dummy path like `TEA"...,
+ Default: "short",
+ TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
+ },
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
team diag explorer
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
ConnScopes: map[string]string{
"File": "business_file",
"Info": "business_info",
"Mgmt": "business_management",
- "Peer": "business_file",
+ "Peer": "business_info",
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 11 identical fields
Name | Description |
errors | This report shows the transaction result. |
team namespace file list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderName",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by exact match to the name.",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderNamePrefix",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name match to the prefix.",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderNameSuffix",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name match to the suffix.",
+ },
&{Name: "IncludeDeleted", Desc: "If true, deleted file or folder will be returned", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
- &{
- Name: "IncludeMediaInfo",
- Desc: "If true, media info is set for photo and video in json report",
- Default: "false",
- TypeName: "bool",
- },
&{Name: "IncludeMemberFolder", Desc: "If true, include team member folders", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "IncludeSharedFolder", Desc: "If true, include shared folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "IncludeTeamFolder", Desc: "If true, include team folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
- &{
- Name: "Name",
- Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name",
- TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
- },
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
Name | Description |
errors | This report shows the transaction result. |
team namespace file size
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Depth",
Desc: "Report entry for all files and directories depth directories deep",
Default: "1",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{
- "max": float64(2.147483647e+09),
+ "max": float64(300),
"min": float64(1),
"value": float64(1),
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderName",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by exact match to the name.",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderNamePrefix",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name match to the prefix.",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderNameSuffix",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name match to the suffix.",
+ },
&{Name: "IncludeAppFolder", Desc: "If true, include app folders", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "IncludeMemberFolder", Desc: "if true, include team member folders", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "IncludeSharedFolder", Desc: "If true, include shared folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "IncludeTeamFolder", Desc: "If true, include team folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
- &{
- Name: "Name",
- Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name",
- TypeName: "domain.common.model.mo_string.opt_string",
- },
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
Name | Description |
errors | This report shows the transaction result. |
team sharedlink list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
Name: "Visibility",
Desc: "Filter links by visibility (public/team_only/password)",
Default: "public",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("public"), string("team_only"), string("password"), string("team_and_password"), ...}},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
team sharedlink update expiry
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "At", Desc: "New expiration date and time", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
Name: "Days",
Desc: "Days to the new expiration date",
Default: "0",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(0)},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
Name: "Visibility",
Desc: "Target link visibility",
Default: "public",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("public"), string("team_only"), string("password"), string("team_and_password"), ...}},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
teamfolder add
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Team folder name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
Name: "SyncSetting",
Desc: "Sync setting for the team folder",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("default"), string("not_synced")}},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
teamfolder file list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderName",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by exact match to the name.",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderNamePrefix",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name match to the prefix.",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderNameSuffix",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name match to the suffix.",
+ },
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
Name | Description |
errors | This report shows the transaction result. |
teamfolder file size
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Depth",
Desc: "Depth",
Default: "1",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "domain.common",
+ "essentials",
}, ""),
TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(2.147483647e+09), "min": float64(1), "value": float64(1)},
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderName",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by exact match to the name.",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderNamePrefix",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name match to the prefix.",
+ },
+ &{
+ Name: "FolderNameSuffix",
+ Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name match to the suffix.",
+ },
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
Name | Description |
errors | This report shows the transaction result. |
teamfolder member list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 4 identical elements
&{Name: "MemberTypeInternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are internal (in the sa"...},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
+ &{
+ Name: "ScanTimeout",
+ Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder of the team folder will be replaced with a dummy path like `TEA"...,
+ Default: "short",
+ TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
+ },
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields
teamfolder policy list
... // 16 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "FolderNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by name match to the suffix."},
&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_business_file", ...},
+ &{
+ Name: "ScanTimeout",
+ Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder of the team folder will be replaced with a dummy path like `TEA"...,
+ Default: "short",
+ TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("short"), string("long")}},
+ },
GridDataInput: nil,
GridDataOutput: nil,
... // 2 identical fields