watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services

Changes between Release 90 to Release 91

Commands added

Command Title
dev build info Generate build information file
dev build package Package a build
dev release doc Generate release documents
util git clone Clone git repository

Command spec changed: dev build license

Command configuration changed

  	... // 17 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "DestPath", Desc: "Dest path", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
- 		&{
- 			Name:     "SourcePath",
- 			Desc:     "Path to licenses (go-licenses output folder)",
- 			TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl",
- 			TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)},
- 		},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: dev release candidate

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
  	ConnScopes: map[string]string{
  		... // 4 identical entries
  		"Info": "business_info",
  		"Mgmt": "business_management",
+ 		"Peer": "github_public",
  	Services: {"dropbox", "dropbox_business", "github"},
  	IsSecret: true,
  	... // 12 identical fields

Command spec changed: team diag explorer

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
  	ConnScopes: map[string]string{
  		"File": "business_file",
  		"Info": "business_info",
  		"Mgmt": "business_management",
- 		"Peer": "business_file",
+ 		"Peer": "business_info",
  	Services: {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret: true,
  	... // 12 identical fields