... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Group", Desc: "Group name", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "NumLinksPerMember", Desc: "Number of links to create per member", Default: "5", TypeName: "int", ...},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team",
TypeAttr: []any{
- string("sharing.write"),
+ string("groups.read"),
- string("groups.read"),
+ string("sharing.write"),
&{Name: "Query", Desc: "Query", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Seed", Desc: "Shared link seed value", Default: "0", TypeName: "int", ...},
&{Name: "Visibility", Desc: "Visibility", Default: "random", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "Format", Desc: "Export format", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
&{Name: "LocalPath", Desc: "Local path to export", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_path.file_system_path_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"shouldExist": bool(false)}},
&{Name: "Password", Desc: "Password for the shared link", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual",
TypeAttr: []any{
- string("sharing.read"),
+ string("files.content.read"),
- string("files.content.read"),
+ string("sharing.read"),
&{Name: "Url", Desc: "URL of the document", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_url.url_impl"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "dst",
TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual",
TypeAttr: []any{
- string("files.metadata.read"),
+ string("files.content.write"),
- string("files.content.write"),
+ string("files.metadata.read"),
&{Name: "DstPath", Desc: "Destination path", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
&{Name: "Src", Desc: "Account alias (source)", Default: "src", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual", ...},
&{Name: "SrcPath", Desc: "Source path", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "MemberEmail", Desc: "Team member email address", TypeName: "string"},
&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path to delete", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team",
TypeAttr: []any{
- string("team_data.member"),
+ string("members.read"),
- string("members.read"),
+ string("team_data.member"),
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
- ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 5 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "MemberNamePrefix", Desc: "Filter members. Filter by name match to the prefix."},
&{Name: "MemberNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter members. Filter by name match to the suffix."},
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "business_file",
+ "scoped_team",
}, ""),
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{
+ string("members.read"), string("sharing.read"), string("team_data.member"),
+ string("team_data.team_space"),
+ },
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
- ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 5 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "FolderName", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by exact match to the name."},
&{Name: "FolderNamePrefix", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by name match to the prefix."},
&{Name: "FolderNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by name match to the suffix."},
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "business_file",
+ "scoped_team",
}, ""),
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{
+ string("files.metadata.read"), string("groups.read"), string("members.read"),
+ string("sharing.read"), string("team_data.member"),
+ string("team_data.team_space"), string("team_info.read"),
+ },
&{Name: "ScanTimeout", Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"..., Default: "short", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
- ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 5 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "business_file",
+ "scoped_team",
}, ""),
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("members.read"), string("sessions.list")},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
- ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 5 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "DeleteOnUnlink", Desc: "Delete files on unlink", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "business_file",
+ "scoped_team",
}, ""),
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{string("sessions.modify")},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
- ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 5 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 5 identical elements
&{Name: "IncludeSharedFolder", Desc: "If true, include shared folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "IncludeTeamFolder", Desc: "If true, include team folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "business_file",
+ "scoped_team",
}, ""),
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{
+ string("files.metadata.read"), string("members.read"),
+ string("team_data.member"), string("team_data.team_space"),
+ string("team_info.read"),
+ },
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
- ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 5 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 6 identical elements
&{Name: "IncludeSharedFolder", Desc: "If true, include shared folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
&{Name: "IncludeTeamFolder", Desc: "If true, include team folders", Default: "true", TypeName: "bool", ...},
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "business_file",
+ "scoped_team",
}, ""),
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{
+ string("files.metadata.read"), string("members.read"),
+ string("team_data.member"), string("team_data.team_space"),
+ string("team_info.read"),
+ },
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
- ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 5 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "FolderName", Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by exact ma"...},
&{Name: "FolderNamePrefix", Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name mat"...},
&{Name: "FolderNameSuffix", Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name mat"...},
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "business_file",
+ "scoped_team",
}, ""),
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{
+ string("files.metadata.read"), string("members.read"),
+ string("team_data.member"), string("team_data.team_space"),
+ string("team_info.read"),
+ },
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 7 identical fields
ConnUsePersonal: false,
ConnUseBusiness: true,
- ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ ConnScopes: map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
Services: {"dropbox_business"},
IsSecret: false,
... // 5 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "FolderNamePrefix", Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name mat"...},
&{Name: "FolderNameSuffix", Desc: "List only for the folder matched to the name. Filter by name mat"...},
Name: "Peer",
Desc: "Account alias",
Default: "default",
TypeName: strings.Join({
- "business_file",
+ "scoped_team",
}, ""),
- TypeAttr: nil,
+ TypeAttr: []any{
+ string("files.metadata.read"), string("members.read"),
+ string("team_data.member"), string("team_data.team_space"),
+ string("team_info.read"),
+ },
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "AdminGroupName", Desc: "Temporary group name for admin operation", Default: "watermint-toolbox-admin", TypeName: "string", ...},
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team",
TypeAttr: []any{
- string("groups.read"),
- string("groups.write"),
+ string("groups.read"),
+ string("groups.write"),
... // 3 identical elements
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
&{Name: "AdminGroupName", Desc: "Temporary group name for admin operation", Default: "watermint-toolbox-admin", TypeName: "string", ...},
&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team",
TypeAttr: []any{
- string("groups.read"),
- string("groups.write"),
+ string("groups.read"),
+ string("groups.write"),
... // 3 identical elements
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields