watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services

Changes between Release 95 to Release 96

Commands added

Command Title
member feature List member feature settings
services dropbox user feature List feature settings for current user
team content legacypaper count Count number of Paper documents per member
team content legacypaper export Export entire team member Paper documents into local path
team content legacypaper list List team member Paper documents

Command spec changed: member replication

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
  	ConnScopes: map[string]string{
- 		"Dst": "business_file",
+ 		"Dst": "dropbox_scoped_team",
- 		"Src": "business_file",
+ 		"Src": "dropbox_scoped_team",
  	Services: {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret: false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Dst",
  			Desc:    "Destination team; team file access",
  			Default: "dst",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{},
  		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
  			Name:    "Src",
  			Desc:    "Source team; team file access",
  			Default: "src",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: services github issue list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 17 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Filter",
+ 			Desc:     "Indicates which sorts of issues to return.",
+ 			Default:  "assigned",
+ 			TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]any{
+ 				"options": []any{
+ 					string("assigned"), string("created"), string("mentioned"),
+ 					string("subscribed"), ...,
+ 				},
+ 			},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Labels",
+ 			Desc:     "A list of comma separated label names.",
+ 			TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "Owner", Desc: "Owner of the repository", TypeName: "string"},
  		&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.github.api.gh_conn_impl.conn_github_repo", ...},
  		&{Name: "Repository", Desc: "Repository name", TypeName: "string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "Since",
+ 			Desc:     "Only show notifications updated after the given time.",
+ 			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)},
+ 		},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "State",
+ 			Desc:     "Indicates the state of the issues to return.",
+ 			Default:  "open",
+ 			TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string("open"), string("closed"), string("all")}},
+ 		},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: team filerequest clone

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        true,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Path to data file", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: team filerequest list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("file_requests.read"), string("members.read"), string("team_data.member")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: team linkedapp list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("members.read"), string("sessions.list")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: team namespace list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("team_data.member")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: team namespace member list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "AllColumns", Desc: "Show all columns", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("sharing.read"), string("team_data.member"), string("team_info.read")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields