watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services

Changes between Release 96 to Release 97

Commands deleted

Command Title
dev ci artifact connect Connect to Dropbox for uploading artifact from CI
dev test kvsfootprint Test KVS memory footprint
dev test monkey Monkey testing

Command spec changed: file search content

Command configuration changed

  	... // 17 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "Category", Desc: "Restricts search to only the file categories specified (image/do"..., TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"options": []any{string(""), string("image"), string("document"), string("pdf"), ...}}},
  		&{Name: "Extension", Desc: "Restricts search to only the extensions specified.", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name:     "MaxResults",
+ 			Desc:     "Maximum number of entry to return",
+ 			Default:  "25",
+ 			TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_int.range_int",
+ 			TypeAttr: map[string]any{"max": float64(100000), "min": float64(0), "value": float64(25)},
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Scopes the search to a path in the user's Dropbox.", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
  		&{Name: "Peer", Desc: "Account alias", Default: "default", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_individual", ...},
  		&{Name: "Query", Desc: "The string to search for.", TypeName: "string"},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: filerequest create

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "AllowLateUploads", Desc: "If set, allow uploads after the deadline has passed (one_day/two"..., TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
  		&{Name: "Deadline", Desc: "The deadline for this file request.", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
  		&{Name: "Path", Desc: "The path for the folder in the Dropbox where uploaded files will"..., TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("file_requests.write")},
  		&{Name: "Title", Desc: "The title of the file request", TypeName: "string"},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: filerequest delete closed

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("file_requests.write")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: filerequest delete url

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "Force", Desc: "Force delete the file request.", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("file_requests.read"), string("file_requests.write")},
  		&{Name: "Url", Desc: "URL of the file request.", TypeName: "string"},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: filerequest list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("file_requests.read")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: job history ship

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "DropboxPath", Desc: "Dropbox path to upload", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("files.content.read"), string("files.content.write")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: sharedfolder list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("sharing.read")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: sharedfolder member list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("sharing.read")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: sharedlink create

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "Expires", Desc: "Expiration date/time of the shared link", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_time.time_impl", TypeAttr: map[string]any{"optional": bool(true)}},
  		&{Name: "Password", Desc: "Password", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
  		&{Name: "Path", Desc: "Path", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("sharing.write")},
  		&{Name: "TeamOnly", Desc: "Link is accessible only by team members", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: sharedlink delete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "Path", Desc: "File or folder path to remove shared link", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_path.dropbox_path_impl"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("sharing.write")},
  		&{Name: "Recursive", Desc: "Attempt to remove the file hierarchy", Default: "false", TypeName: "bool", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: sharedlink file list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "Password", Desc: "Password for the shared link", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.opt_string"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("files.metadata.read"), string("sharing.read")},
  		&{Name: "Url", Desc: "Shared link URL", TypeName: "domain.dropbox.model.mo_url.url_impl"},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: sharedlink list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: true,
  	ConnUseBusiness: false,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "user_full"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_individual"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"user_file",
+ 				"scoped_individual",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("sharing.read")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder add

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Team folder name", TypeName: "string"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("team_data.team_space")},
  		&{Name: "SyncSetting", Desc: "Sync setting for the team folder", Default: "default", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder archive

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Team folder name", TypeName: "string"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("team_data.team_space")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder batch archive

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file for a list of team folder names", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("team_data.team_space")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder batch permdelete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "File", Desc: "Data file for a list of team folder names", TypeName: "infra.feed.fd_file_impl.row_feed"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("team_data.team_space")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("team_data.team_space")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder member list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "MemberTypeExternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are external (not in th"...},
  		&{Name: "MemberTypeInternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are internal (in the sa"...},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{
+ 				string("files.metadata.read"), string("sharing.read"),
+ 				string("team_data.member"), string("team_data.team_space"),
+ 				string("team_info.read"),
+ 			},
  		&{Name: "ScanTimeout", Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"..., Default: "short", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder permdelete

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "Name", Desc: "Team folder name", TypeName: "string"},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{string("team_data.team_space")},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields

Command spec changed: teamfolder policy list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 7 identical fields
  	ConnUsePersonal: false,
  	ConnUseBusiness: true,
- 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "business_file"},
+ 	ConnScopes:      map[string]string{"Peer": "dropbox_scoped_team"},
  	Services:        {"dropbox_business"},
  	IsSecret:        false,
  	... // 5 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		&{Name: "FolderName", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by exact match to the name."},
  		&{Name: "FolderNamePrefix", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by name match to the prefix."},
  		&{Name: "FolderNameSuffix", Desc: "Filter by folder name. Filter by name match to the suffix."},
  			Name:    "Peer",
  			Desc:    "Account alias",
  			Default: "default",
  			TypeName: strings.Join({
- 				"business_file",
+ 				"scoped_team",
  			}, ""),
- 			TypeAttr: nil,
+ 			TypeAttr: []any{
+ 				string("files.metadata.read"), string("sharing.read"),
+ 				string("team_data.member"), string("team_data.team_space"),
+ 				string("team_info.read"),
+ 			},
  		&{Name: "ScanTimeout", Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"..., Default: "short", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields