watermint toolbox - The multi-purpose utility command-line tool for web services

Changes between Release 97 to Release 98

Commands added

Command Title
group batch add Bulk adding groups
team admin group role add Add the role to members of the group
team admin group role delete Delete the role from all members except of members of the exception group
team admin list List admin roles of members
team admin role add Add a new role to the member
team admin role clear Remove all admin roles from the member
team admin role delete Remove a role from the member
team admin role list List admin roles of the team
util image placeholder Create placeholder image

Command spec changed: dev stage scoped

Changed report: member_list

  	Name: "member_list",
  	Desc: "This report shows a list of members.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 12 identical elements
  		&{Name: "persistent_id", Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent"...},
  		&{Name: "joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{Name: "invited_on", Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team"},
  		&{Name: "role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member clear externalid

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
  	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 15 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.persistent_id", Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent"...},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "result.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member folder list

Changed report: member_with_no_folder

  	Name: "member_with_no_folder",
  	Desc: "This report shows a list of members.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
+ 		&{Name: "invited_on", Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team"},

Command spec changed: member invite

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
  	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 10 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "result.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member list

Changed report: member

  	Name: "member",
  	Desc: "This report shows a list of members.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 5 identical elements
  		&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
  		&{Name: "joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{Name: "invited_on", Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team"},
  		&{Name: "role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},

Command spec changed: member reinvite

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
  	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 7 identical elements
  		&{Name: "input.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
  		&{Name: "input.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "input.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "input.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "input.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
  		... // 5 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "result.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member update email

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
  	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 9 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "result.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member update externalid

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
  	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 9 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "result.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member update invisible

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
  	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 15 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.persistent_id", Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent"...},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "result.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member update profile

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
  	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 10 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "result.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: member update visible

Changed report: operation_log

  	Name: "operation_log",
  	Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
  	Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
  		... // 15 identical elements
  		&{Name: "result.persistent_id", Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent"...},
  		&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ 		&{
+ 			Name: "result.invited_on",
+ 			Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ 		},
  		&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
  		&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},

Command spec changed: teamfolder member list

Command configuration changed

  	... // 17 identical fields
  	Reports: nil,
  	Feeds:   nil,
  	Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
  		... // 3 identical elements
  		&{Name: "MemberTypeExternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are external (not in th"...},
  		&{Name: "MemberTypeInternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are internal (in the sa"...},
  			... // 2 identical fields
  			Default:  "default",
  			TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team",
  			TypeAttr: []any{
+ 				string("groups.read"),
+ 				string("members.read"),
  				... // 2 identical elements
  		&{Name: "ScanTimeout", Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"..., Default: "short", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string", ...},
  	GridDataInput:  {},
  	GridDataOutput: {},
  	... // 2 identical fields