Name: "member_list",
Desc: "This report shows a list of members.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 12 identical elements
&{Name: "persistent_id", Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent"...},
&{Name: "joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{Name: "invited_on", Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team"},
&{Name: "role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
Name: "operation_log",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 15 identical elements
&{Name: "result.persistent_id", Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent"...},
&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "result.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
Name: "member_with_no_folder",
Desc: "This report shows a list of members.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 3 identical elements
&{Name: "surname", Desc: "Also known as a last name or family name."},
&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
+ &{Name: "invited_on", Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team"},
Name: "operation_log",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 10 identical elements
&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "result.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
Name: "member",
Desc: "This report shows a list of members.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 5 identical elements
&{Name: "display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
&{Name: "joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{Name: "invited_on", Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team"},
&{Name: "role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
Name: "operation_log",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 7 identical elements
&{Name: "input.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
&{Name: "input.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "input.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "input.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "input.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
... // 5 identical elements
&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "result.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
Name: "operation_log",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 9 identical elements
&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "result.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
Name: "operation_log",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 9 identical elements
&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "result.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
Name: "operation_log",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 15 identical elements
&{Name: "result.persistent_id", Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent"...},
&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "result.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
Name: "operation_log",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 10 identical elements
&{Name: "result.display_name", Desc: "A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user"...},
&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "result.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
Name: "operation_log",
Desc: "This report shows the transaction result.",
Columns: []*dc_recipe.ReportColumn{
... // 15 identical elements
&{Name: "result.persistent_id", Desc: "Persistent ID that a team can attach to the user. The persistent"...},
&{Name: "result.joined_on", Desc: "The date and time the user joined as a member of a specific team."},
+ &{
+ Name: "result.invited_on",
+ Desc: "The date and time the user was invited to the team",
+ },
&{Name: "result.role", Desc: "The user's role in the team (team_admin, user_management_admin, "...},
&{Name: "result.tag", Desc: "Operation tag"},
... // 17 identical fields
Reports: nil,
Feeds: nil,
Values: []*dc_recipe.Value{
... // 3 identical elements
&{Name: "MemberTypeExternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are external (not in th"...},
&{Name: "MemberTypeInternal", Desc: "Filter folder members. Keep only members are internal (in the sa"...},
... // 2 identical fields
Default: "default",
TypeName: "domain.dropbox.api.dbx_conn_impl.conn_scoped_team",
TypeAttr: []any{
+ string("groups.read"),
+ string("members.read"),
... // 2 identical elements
&{Name: "ScanTimeout", Desc: "Scan timeout mode. If the scan timeouts, the path of a subfolder"..., Default: "short", TypeName: "essentials.model.mo_string.select_string", ...},
GridDataInput: {},
GridDataOutput: {},
... // 2 identical fields